/ Eastern / The Half-Open Flower

The Half-Open Flower Comic The Half-Open Flower Comic

The Half-Open Flower

75 Chapters 195.1K Views
Publisher: lily+Kuaikan Comics
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The love in adolescence is a song, it lingers on and never fades. The feelings in adolescence are breezes, they blow off the dust of loneliness. Everyone has experienced confusion and the throb of heart when they were young. When your waiting becomes a one-sided obsession, will you still remember the person you loved when he was young?

  1. Sunaina_Sinku
    Sunaina_Sinku Contributed 76
  2. MARICRIS1984
    MARICRIS1984 Contributed 67
  3. Raegan_Banks
    Raegan_Banks Contributed 63

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