/ Romance / The Guy Inside Me

The Guy Inside Me Comic The Guy Inside Me Comic

The Guy Inside Me

Completed 130 Chapters 333.3K Views
Publisher: Muguahuang/jjwxc+JI.JING.JUN+SHOU+The Miracle-ston
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No one could have believed that both the genius and nincompoop in class, who were once viciously at odds with each other, would fall in love with each other after a series of strange exchanges!
They grew closer even before they realized it, sharing a string of hilarious encounters and adventures together before they finally came clear to each other about their feelings for one another.

  1. kikue
    kikue Contributed 5797
  2. Aptpence71
    Aptpence71 Contributed 3075
  3. Traci_Downing
    Traci_Downing Contributed 2875

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