/ History / The Bestselling Empress

The Bestselling Empress Comic The Bestselling Empress Comic

The Bestselling Empress

Completed 198 Chapters 3.4M Views
Publisher: Man YoYo
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At the age of 20, she graduated from a top school in the United States with double major. At 23, she bought a new villa for her parents. She, Wei Yujin, had risen from the mud to the peak of fame in the 21st century, and she's going to do the same in ancient China.

  1. Izzywizzy121
    Izzywizzy121 Contributed 9099
  2. Maude_Fluckiger
    Maude_Fluckiger Contributed 8110
  3. Catherine_Rooney_6262
    Catherine_Rooney_6262 Contributed 7055


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