/ LGBT+ / Talk to Me Tenderly

Talk to Me Tenderly Comic Talk to Me Tenderly Comic

Talk to Me Tenderly

Completed 123 Chapters 2.8M Views
Publisher: Xing Xing
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When closeted bartender Gabriel Kee finally gets a moment of privacy, he's determined to christen his vibrator. Turns out it's faulty, so he contacts customer service and is greeted by the sultry voice of operator Luke. Overcome by desire, Gabriel brazenly pleasures himself. One day, a beautiful man who sounds just like Luke patronizes Gabriel's bar, accompanied by a kinky sex-toy shop owner, Angel. Lust for the two men fills Gabriel as he also wrestles with feelings for his close friend, Ray.

  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contributed 7560
  2. Joan_Mitsou
    Joan_Mitsou Contributed 7383
  3. Jessica_Bandes
    Jessica_Bandes Contributed 6465

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