/ Romance / Spring Is Coming

Spring Is Coming Comic Spring Is Coming Comic

Spring Is Coming

39 Chapters 111.3K Views
Publisher: Kuaikan
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Ho Wei used to live a peaceful life in a small, sleepy town with his close friend Wan Jun. However, everything changed when two boys from the big city came here. One is his non-blood-related younger brother Ho Qiurang, who caused Ho Wei to leave home, and the other is his childhood friend Bai Lin, whom he had a crush on. The arrival of the two boys turned Ho Wei's world upside down and brought some long-buried secrets to the surface...

  1. CCCMistiq
    CCCMistiq Contributed 300
  2. DolgaN86
    DolgaN86 Contributed 273
  3. Monique_Wong
    Monique_Wong Contributed 150


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