/ Romance / She is Mine

She is Mine Comic She is Mine Comic

She is Mine

25 Chapters 386.9K Views
Publisher: Yubuyu/Xiangwang+FreeHourglass
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Min Jiangxi is an elite private tutor who’s good at hiding her feelings. Her new client, Qin Zhan, is a tycoon in the technology industry. As a man who hates romance, he warned her: “Remember, I only need a private tutor, not a girlfriend.” Obeying his words, she’s been acting polite and detached to him, never crossed the line. One year later, the drunk Qin Zhan whispered to her with a husky voice: “I won’t force you to like me. But you can’t force me to not like you. Because I’m not capable of that.” Can she meet her true love when she has no faith in love?

  1. Maude_Fluckiger
    Maude_Fluckiger Contributed 1243
  2. DaoistrhKXh9
    DaoistrhKXh9 Contributed 78
  3. Carnivorous_Plant
    Carnivorous_Plant Contributed 60

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