/ Fantasy / Shadow Hack

Shadow Hack Comic Shadow Hack Comic

Shadow Hack

Completed 225 Chapters 5.1M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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By chance, Li Yunmu found a superhost from the Dark Age of mankind. Since then,hardship has entered his life!
I have no qualifications and no talents, but my shadow can level up in reality..
Experience, internal power, combat skill proficiency... all can be hung!
Gifted? Rich and powerful families? Watch me hang up and practice, and step on it to my feet.

  1. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contributed 24309
  2. Ethan_King_6227
    Ethan_King_6227 Contributed 19717
  3. Martin_Cox
    Martin_Cox Contributed 18917


Gift -- Gift received

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    Stone -- Power stone

    Available as novel

    Shadow Hack

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