/ Sci-Fi / Rise Against Doomsday

Rise Against Doomsday Comic Rise Against Doomsday Comic

Rise Against Doomsday

Completed 150 Chapters 1.4M Views
Publisher: DaXingDaoDongMan
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After the male lead, Qin Yu, was killed during the doomsday that happened one hundred years later, he accidentally travelled through time and space to one hundred years ago, when the disaster was about to fall. Depending on his surviving experience and skills from his last life, Qin Yu quickly becomes someone strong enough to conquer all obstacles and save the world. In this life, his swears that heโ€™ll protect his little sister and keep her safe...

  1. EchoNinja
    EchoNinja Contributed 2715
  2. FlintVermillion
    FlintVermillion Contributed 2675
  3. JohnnyTHM
    JohnnyTHM Contributed 2673

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