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Reblooming In the Palace Comic Reblooming In the Palace Comic

Reblooming In the Palace

Completed 156 Chapters 2.2M Views
Publisher: Ake Manga
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Betrayed by both her boyfriend and sister, Shuangshuang wakes up to find all three of them have traveled into the past. She needs someone to depend on in this world, and Chuxiu is her chance. On the surface, he’s a smart prince with a remarkable memory, yet doesn’t have long to live. He relies on imperial physicians to continue his life. Behind closed doors, he’s a strategic thinker, resourceful, and graceful. Shuangshuang is destined to be his true love. This is their fate that transcends thousands of years and will never end.

  1. Elizabeth_S_4489
    Elizabeth_S_4489 Contributed 2203
  2. Susie_L_Oshel
    Susie_L_Oshel Contributed 2192
  3. MoonaraLady
    MoonaraLady Contributed 2144


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