/ History / Pheonix in the Imperial Palace

Pheonix in the Imperial Palace Comic Pheonix in the Imperial Palace Comic

Pheonix in the Imperial Palace

28 Chapters 518.0K Views
Publisher: Lufeixi/Chuangbie+ManShen Comic
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Everyone thought she was a vicious consort. She stole another woman’s husband at her wedding, shocked a consort into faintness, and stalked her husband to the brothel, stunning everyone who was there. No one in Chang'an City didn’t know her overbearing reputation. But someone was even more overbearing than her. Facing everyone’s disapproval, all he said was, “I like to spoil my consort. This is none of your business.” A tough female lead combines with a tough male lead. A love-and-hate romance.

  1. Purnima_R5926
    Purnima_R5926 Contributed 402
  2. KittyCov
    KittyCov Contributed 78
  3. Joan_anna_John
    Joan_anna_John Contributed 32

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