/ Romance / My Life As A Witch

My Life As A Witch Comic My Life As A Witch Comic

My Life As A Witch

Completed 29 Chapters 533.1K Views
Publisher: Pxtar Comics Studio
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A witch found two abandoned kids by accident and adopted them. With time passing by, both kids started to grow feelings for her, which led to a tragedy. Chen Xuanming, the elder one, was incited by a mysterious man to kill his younger brother Dugu Chenfeng, but he got Zhixi, his foster mother, killed by accident. Hundreds of years later, Zhixi's soul awakened in the body of Dugu Chenfeng's ex-wife. Meanwhile, Chen Xuanming also showed up...

  1. Jinaboo
    Jinaboo Contributed 20
  2. Lightning_Ivan
    Lightning_Ivan Contributed 10
  3. HinataNeji
    HinataNeji Contributed 10


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