/ Sci-Fi / My Left Hand Can Mutate

My Left Hand Can Mutate Comic My Left Hand Can Mutate Comic

My Left Hand Can Mutate

90 Chapters 966.9K Views
Publisher: WebNovel Comics
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Humans have undergone genetic mutations, where those with superior genes may acquire superhuman abilities, while those with monster genes may transform into monsters. The male lead, who has turned into a monster, regains his senses and is reborn through the female lead's sacrifice. This time around, he is a reformed playboy who protects the female lead, hiding among the superhumans. Covertly, he uses his monstrous form to hunt down other monsters and seize the ancient demonic god's power, in order to prevent its resurrection.

  1. Bane_8483
    Bane_8483 Contributed 9570
  2. Nicholi_E
    Nicholi_E Contributed 9327
  3. James_Mayhew
    James_Mayhew Contributed 9096


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