/ Romance / Morbid Attachment

Morbid Attachment Comic Morbid Attachment Comic

Morbid Attachment

107 Chapters 370.9K Views
Publisher: Kuai Kan
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The alpha idol Qi Boyan and alpha actor Ji Wang were a loving couple but got separated due to misunderstandings. After six years, Qi Boyan reappeared in Ji Wang's life and aggressively dragged Ji Wang back into his life again. As they spent some time together, the truth behind the misunderstandings was revealed, and they finally became frank and honest with each other. Then, they cleared up all the misunderstandings and lived happily ever after together.

  1. JaxXerxes
    JaxXerxes Contributed 1620
  2. Jabraille
    Jabraille Contributed 1580
  3. Ale_Hdz
    Ale_Hdz Contributed 1510


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