/ Harem / Male Servant Concentration Camp

Male Servant Concentration Camp Comic Male Servant Concentration Camp Comic

Male Servant Concentration Camp

Completed 80 Chapters 1.4M Views
Publisher: Sanyue Hui
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Synopsis: One day, a man called Yuan Shuai was brought to the Pear Blossom Spring, a place filled with women that is isolated from the rest of the world. There, Yuan Shuai became their Queen’s male servant. However, he lived an extremely painful life in this place and could only think about escaping all day long…

  1. Nathan_Eubanks
    Nathan_Eubanks Contributed 1014
  2. Stephen_Wiedel
    Stephen_Wiedel Contributed 953
  3. Theodore_Rathe
    Theodore_Rathe Contributed 943


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