/ โรแมนติก / Love Prevents Blackening

Love Prevents Blackening Comic Love Prevents Blackening Comic

Love Prevents Blackening

61 Chapters 466.9K Views
Publisher: KuaiKan
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A high school girl is transported into a game world and transformed into a ten-year-old girl. She got a mission to develop a relationship with the prince regent who always killed her in the final of the game. Therefore, she had to start to win his affection when he was still a nobody. However, he despised her very much, which made the mission more difficult...

  1. Robin_64_7777
    Robin_64_7777 Contributed 2274
  2. Liza_Dmitrieva_3831
    Liza_Dmitrieva_3831 Contributed 2149
  3. Stephanie_Fretwell_6499
    Stephanie_Fretwell_6499 Contributed 2149


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