/ History / Love in Blossom

Love in Blossom Comic Love in Blossom Comic

Love in Blossom

48 Chapters 145.0K Views
Publisher: Kuaikan
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A beautiful, hot, powerful couple! A general disguised as a man captured her enemy, a handsome duke? As the saying went, a gentleman would rather die than live to be humiliated. But she did the opposite! She humiliated the beautiful Duke by making him a toyboy?! How much joy and sweetness could happen between the "impotent" general pretending to be a man and the cold and cunning toyboy Duke?

  1. NikkyNick
    NikkyNick Contributed 880
  2. Jabraille
    Jabraille Contributed 800
  3. Alejandra_Marin
    Alejandra_Marin Contributed 729


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