/ Romance / Liquor Gummies

Liquor Gummies Comic Liquor Gummies Comic

Liquor Gummies

Completed 75 Chapters 284.2K Views
Publisher: Alice
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Xiang Qihong has always kept himself to himself, preferring to stay home rather than going to school.
Until one day, his good friend and a professor at the university requested a favor: to take care of his nephew.
Of all the things that could have happened, having a capricious young boy as a neighbor was the last thing he ever wanted.
Would he survive this fated encounter after being accustomed to living alone?

  1. Robi_4443
    Robi_4443 Contributed 1625
  2. Jabraille
    Jabraille Contributed 1625
  3. Sophia_Weigl
    Sophia_Weigl Contributed 1425

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