/ Action / Hunter Age

Hunter Age Comic Hunter Age Comic

Hunter Age

Completed 200 Chapters 5.6M Views
Publisher: PandaPower
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The story happens on the Dragonrealm continent. Heron, the protagonist of the story, was born in a remote village. After seeing hunting skills beyond his power, he decides to go on an adventure for further advancement, and soon his journey is accompanied by cruel enemies as well as faithful friends. At the same point, the continent is undergoing a monstrous conspiracy. As the mysterious robot and the dark forces appear, an epic war is about to start.

  1. DaoistnqFiyK
    DaoistnqFiyK Contributed 2892
  2. RoseParclose
    RoseParclose Contributed 2779
  3. Trey_Feldner
    Trey_Feldner Contributed 2459

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