/ History / Hold It Right There, Mr. Two-Face!

Hold It Right There, Mr. Two-Face! Comic Hold It Right There, Mr. Two-Face! Comic

Hold It Right There, Mr. Two-Face!

Completed 62 Chapters 1.1M Views
Publisher: Yingqianxian Comics
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Li Zimo slipped through to a fantastical world and became the disciple of an abstinent man. One night, a mysterious man took her virginity!
"Don't try anything! I'm the personal disciple of the sect leader!"
"How personal? Skin-to-skin personal?"
"My master is very strong! You'd better watch out!"
"Stronger than me in bed? How dare you cuckhold me!"
It never occured to her that the two men actually look a bit similar...

  1. Astanger
    Astanger Contributed 672
  2. DaoistooZHhn
    DaoistooZHhn Contributed 595
  3. Dalitza_Liz
    Dalitza_Liz Contributed 586


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