/ Magic / Hero X Demon Empress

Hero X Demon Empress Comic Hero X Demon Empress Comic

Hero X Demon Empress

116 Chapters 1.0M Views
Publisher: IQY
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I had yearned for the tranquility of the countryside, but destiny had other plans. Suddenly, I found myself transported to an entirely new world. Within Novice Village, I ascended to the status of a creation-level entity. And then, against all odds, I defeated the Demon Empress who ruled this realm—with only a dog I had raised by my side. From that pivotal moment, the defeated Demon Empress took up residence in my humble home, and my extraordinary adventure in this otherworldly domain began.

  1. Trent_Tucker
    Trent_Tucker Contributed 10845
  2. Adam_Yonkers
    Adam_Yonkers Contributed 10443
  3. BladeHaven
    BladeHaven Contributed 8047


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