/ Action / Game Changer

Game Changer Comic Game Changer Comic

Game Changer

Completed 90 Chapters 1.1M Views
Publisher: Yo Fox
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Li Dongyang resolutely logs into a dangerous game to save his sister Li Xiayue who is trapped in it. On the verge of death, he is bound to AI Rilu, the Recharging System that should have disappeared in the game. Since then, he gets special recharging powers through the System that can only be used by him, starting his road of accomplishing missions, grabbing treasures, collecting money, saving his sister, and challenging the Gods.

  1. aSlothfulSkeleton
    aSlothfulSkeleton Contributed 2463
  2. Eldwood_Kaumeheiwa
    Eldwood_Kaumeheiwa Contributed 1387
  3. Rex123127
    Rex123127 Contributed 1283


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