/ Urban / From Mouselike To Godlike

From Mouselike To Godlike Comic From Mouselike To Godlike Comic

From Mouselike To Godlike

89 Chapters 1.0M Views
Publisher: Luming Anime
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After 20 years of misery, Wu You thought he was going to live his life in a muddle until he found the failed half-immortal Shenyuzi in a garbage can on a stormy day.After which his fate was changed forever! Letโ€™s see how a loser inherits an immortal body, has beauties as his companions, subdues demons, owns hundreds of billions of dollars, and starts down the path of a counterattack!

  1. VosJohn20
    VosJohn20 Contributed 2773
  2. cullen_c
    cullen_c Contributed 2639
  3. Canadascout
    Canadascout Contributed 2200


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