/ Acción / Extraordinary Son-In-Law

Extraordinary Son-In-Law Comic Extraordinary Son-In-Law Comic

Extraordinary Son-In-Law

129 Chapters 1.0M Views
Publisher: WebNovel Comics
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My wedding day turned sour when my wife kicked me out. But things took a strange turn when a mysterious woman went ballistic on me with kisses at my place. As our lips touched, an incredible energy surged through me. And when I regained consciousness, I was stunned to find nearly 10,000 unfamiliar memories in my mind...

  1. Theodore_Rathe
    Theodore_Rathe Contributed 5324
  2. KaseyB
    KaseyB Contributed 4551
  3. Enir_Romero_2322
    Enir_Romero_2322 Contributed 4398


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