/ Action / Dragon Tamer

Dragon Tamer Comic Dragon Tamer Comic

Dragon Tamer

399 Chapters 4.8M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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For saving his companion, the white dragon Bai Qi, the talent swordsman Zhu Minglang became a wreck, which led to the corruption of him. Accidentally, he had a passionate night with Li Yunzi, the "Valkyrie". After that, his enemy came to him with a dragon as the mount and controlled the fiery dragon to burn the whole city to the ground just to kill Zhu Minglang for revenge. Zhu Minglang had a narrow escape and started his adventure with the new identity—dragon tamer.

  1. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contributed 50504
  2. SparkPrin
    SparkPrin Contributed 31231
  3. Kaliberphoenix18
    Kaliberphoenix18 Contributed 28977


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