/ Romance / Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act Comic Caught in the Act Comic

Caught in the Act

75 Chapters 276.9K Views
Publisher: Kuaikan
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Xia Xingcheng, an ordinary young man with average acting skills, has been in the entertainment industry for six years, and he is still not famous. He thought he would be like this forever. But one day, a well-known director found him, asked him to cooperate with famous actors, star in a literary BLockbuster, and many opportunities came to him. But it didn't take long for him to realize that something wasn't right...

  1. jessica_da_cruz
    jessica_da_cruz Contributed 915
  2. Dominique_Love_6559
    Dominique_Love_6559 Contributed 750
  3. Bec896
    Bec896 Contributed 737


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