/ Romance / Bodyguard in Disguise

Bodyguard in Disguise Comic Bodyguard in Disguise Comic

Bodyguard in Disguise

Completed 242 Chapters 1.7M Views
Publisher: Cheese Cat
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Lead female character Ye Yao, under the pseudonym Bai Fai, disguises herself as a man at the most influential family in City A, the Ling Family. She becomes an important subordinate and close friend of Young Master Ling, who is known to be quite unrestrained. During an assignment while dressed up as a woman, Fei lets her guard down and kisses Ling Ye with the help of some booze...

  1. Catherine_Rooney_6262
    Catherine_Rooney_6262 Contributed 10039
  2. Izzywizzy121
    Izzywizzy121 Contributed 8895
  3. Kayla_Ivory_3786
    Kayla_Ivory_3786 Contributed 6369


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