/ Harem / Becoming the Perfect Son-in-Law: A System with a Rebellious Streak

Becoming the Perfect Son-in-Law: A System with a Rebellious Streak Comic Becoming the Perfect Son-in-Law: A System with a Rebellious Streak Comic

Becoming the Perfect Son-in-Law: A System with a Rebellious Streak

52 Chapters 424.7K Views
Publisher: WebNovel Comics
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When Xia Chi, an ordinary man, is protected by four stunning female masters as their future son-in-law, he expects a straightforward path to greatness. However, he soon discovers that each of these beautiful guardians has their own hidden agenda, hoping to make him their personal confidant. With a rebellious system at his side, Xia Chi must navigate their schemes and unexpected challenges with humor and wit. Dive into a world of beauty, intrigue, and adventure where nothing is as it seems!

  1. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contributed 3947
  2. lewis_james_5392
    lewis_james_5392 Contributed 2973
  3. Dukalen
    Dukalen Contributed 2673


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