/ Romance / Be the Queen in the Beast World

Be the Queen in the Beast World Comic Be the Queen in the Beast World Comic

Be the Queen in the Beast World

Completed 100 Chapters 1.5M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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As the heir to a beast kingdom, Ayres fell in love with her childhood friend Aunrae, a half-beast. One day, her parents arranged a spouse selection meeting for her. Ayres eagerly anticipated Aunrae's arrival to propose marriage. But little did she know, behind the bouquet presented by the man she loved, lay a violent blood feud... Caught between love and hatred, how would they make their choice?
【Based on the Original novel, Taming the Queen of Beasts, by AimeeLynn】

  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contributed 18518
  2. Liza_Dmitrieva
    Liza_Dmitrieva Contributed 14688
  3. Maulvi87
    Maulvi87 Contributed 13070


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