/ Romance / Ancestor to Five Hunks

 Ancestor to Five Hunks Comic  Ancestor to Five Hunks Comic

Ancestor to Five Hunks

93 Chapters 1.1M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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The queen of the blood clan who has been asleep for a thousand years is finally awake, and the first thing she does is to follow the trend and join the entertainment industry? She's far from being popular since she needs to make a movie star, billionaire, pro gamer, medicinal genius, and a young scientist her younglings?! Wait, there's also that tyrannical president who's somehow her mortal enemy in the past so how is she going to get away...

  1. DarkSorceress12
    DarkSorceress12 Contributed 5170
  2. Jaymee_Mercado_0390
    Jaymee_Mercado_0390 Contributed 2299
  3. fanere9
    fanere9 Contributed 2262


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