/ Adventure / Ace the Three Realms with My Wife

Ace the Three Realms with My Wife Comic Ace the Three Realms with My Wife Comic

Ace the Three Realms with My Wife

51 Chapters 195.2K Views
Publisher: WebNovel Comics
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Demon Lord Lin Tianhong has ruled the Demon Realm in solitude for over ten thousand years until fate finally grants him a chance at love. Just as he begins to savor his newfound happiness, a shocking revelation shakes his world: his beloved wife is the reincarnation of Empress Xihe, the Central Heavenly Empress he defeated in a legendary battle millennia ago! Now, he must conceal his true identity from her, all while navigating the delicate balance of love and past enmity. Will he be able to protect their love, or will the secrets of their past tear them apart?

  1. Drakeking12
    Drakeking12 Contributed 5066
  2. Bane_8483
    Bane_8483 Contributed 3602
  3. Josh776
    Josh776 Contributed 2958


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