/ Romance / A Royal Princess With Black Hair

A Royal Princess With Black Hair Comic A Royal Princess With Black Hair Comic

A Royal Princess With Black Hair

78 Chapters 1.1M Views
Publisher: Pang-e
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[Daily Update From 2020 Christmas to 2021 Jan 31st!] The Crown Prince of the Murian Empire, Karyuel, and the Princess of the Carna Empire, Yurishien, despise their political marriage and dream of getting a divorce. To make matters worse, the people around them begin devising all sorts of schemes to split them up, and as they overcome the obstacles together, they become drawn to each other, despite their initial thoughts. Will these two immature birds be able to divorce as they had planned or will there be a different outcomeโ€ฆ?

  1. Charles_d1230
    Charles_d1230 Contributed 1072
  2. HinataNeji
    HinataNeji Contributed 982
  3. Daoist2b4OCy
    Daoist2b4OCy Contributed 962

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