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33.33% Time Heals the Broken / Chapter 1: Ch. 1
Time Heals the Broken Time Heals the Broken original

Time Heals the Broken

Author: Angel_Hitake

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ch. 1

Silver had been laying in the middle of the Forest of Death for two days before regaining consciousness. The young silver-haired girl slowly opened her bright aquamarine eyes, quickly covering them from the blinding rays of the sun that had cut through the tree lines. 'Where am I...?' She thought to herself, still partially dazed. The young, confused girl slowly sat up, gritting her teeth in pain as she did so. Silver was about nine years old with no memory on who she was or how she got here, if you would've asked what her name was, she'd look at you and say she didn't know. A blank slate.

The only thing the girl could find when she looked around the area where she sat, was a brown knapsack. She tilted her head curiously to the side and cautiously reached for it. Silver very carefully flipped the bag open and peered inside, blinking a few times, she reached inside and pulled out an average sized pictured of a boy, slightly older than she, with short silver hair and bright aqua eyes. She didn't know who he was, but looking at him gave her a fuzzy feeling. She blinked again when she felt a tear run down her cheek and slowly raised her hand to touch the wet streak. 'What...? Why am I...' She thought to herself, though her thought was cut short when the young girl began to sniffle and more tears streamed down her fair-skinned face.

Silver cried in silence for an hour before stuffing the picture back into her bag and raised up to her feet. She wiped the tears away with one arm while she slung the knapsack over her shoulder. 'Okay... Time to find out where we are.' She thought to hersfelf, then picked up a sharp stick and began to leave the area where she woke. She walked for about four hours before leaning against a large tree in the maze of a forest.

Every turn looked the same as the first. "What the heck? I feel like I'm walking in circles..." She talked to herself. Too tired to contnue, and starving, she used the bag as a pillow and made herself comfortable against the trunk of the tree and slowly fell asleep.

She awoke several hours later with the sun beginning to set, on the back of a very large Brown snake. She quickly shifted to a sitting position, grabbing her knapsack and holding it tightly. Silver was both fascinated by the large creature, but also terrified. "H-hey! Where are you taking me?!" She yelled at the giant snake in vein. A blurry figure swooped down from the trees and picked her up before jumping up into the trees again, before she could react.

The figure jumped along the tree limbs, holding on to her tightly as he carried her away from the snake. Silver couldn't see the figure's face, only that was a he, and he had thick brown hair, and was taller than she was. Probably an early-adult. "It's not safe out here, little one." The masked man spoke, his voice stern yet kind. At least to her ears. Silver shook her head a little and narrowed her eyes as she stated at him. "Where are you taking me?" She asked.

The man laughed quietly and looked at her, though she still couldn't make out his face, due to the low lighting and his odd mask. "I'm taking to the Hidden Leaf Village of course, isn't that where you were headed?" He said to her, following with a curious question. Silver blinked a few times and lowered her eyes, unsure of what he was asking. "I guess so... I mean, I dunno.." She answered quietly, her eyes drifting to her feet. The man raised an eyebrow beneath his mask, then shook it off as he continued to jump along the tree limbs. Was she wandering the forest aimlessly?

A few hours passed as he carried her before calling it quits and landing back on the ground, in an open area where the trees came together and made a "roof" over their heads, and the grass was very green. It was nighttime, and he knew they wouldn't get anywhere if they couldn't see. He carefully put Silver down on her feet. "We'll need to get some sleep before we can continue. Don't worry, I'll protect you." The man said to her in a caring voice.

Silver sat down on the grass and looked at the man. "Who are you...?" She asked softly. The man chuckled sheepishly and moved his mask to the side of his head. It was clear that he was an anbu, with how he dressed. But Silver just saw him as a simple man, since she wasn't from this world, or didn't really know about how different he was from everyone else. "Koga, I'm an elite ninja who works under the Hokage. An Anbu." He answered calmly. "How about you?" He asked. Silver blinked a few times, then hugged her knees. "I don't remember." She answered quietly.

The man who introduced himself as Koga, looked at her with concern, then offered her a small smile. "That's okay, no telling what you went through before getting here.. What village are you from?" He asked. Silver lifted her head, then cocked it to the side. "Huh?" She asked, having no clue what he was talking about. Silver sighed and shook her head. "Look mister, I don't know where I am or where I came from. All I know is that I'm here now, with no memories, I'm tired and hungry and lost. Can you help me?" She spoke, her voice dry.

Koga looked down at her, nodding lightly. "I can take you to my village, the Leaf Village- and you can stay with me until you can get on your feet. Okay?" He asked her in a kind voice. Silver smiled brightly and nodded. "Yes! Thank you so much!" She chimed happily. Silver suddenly became light-headed and fainted. Koga quickly got up and rushed to catch her, so that she wouldn't get hurt. "Poor thing..." He murmured under his breath as he gently laid her down on the grass. Orochimaru silently walked out of the shadows. "Just like I said, the girl has returned home... Her mother couldn't keep her away forever." He spoke quietly. Koga slowly stood and turned to face the snake demon. "With no memories, might I add... She doesn't have the slightest idea who she is right now." He said.

Orochimaru laughed under his breath. "Oh, but she will... And you know what you must do when that time comes, right Koga?" He spoke with a devious smirk across his thin lips. Koga stifled a frown. "She's just a child!"

Silver awoke the next morning in a small hut, with few things. There was a small coco colored couch, a single-person table, a few windows spread between the walls. She slowly sat up and began to explore the hut. The kitchen was tiny, fit with a fridge, stove, and a sink. Next was the bedroom, fit with a long futon. There was also a small dresser and a closest just big enough to stuff some clothes into. The bathroom was the worst of all! Just a little room off to the side barely big enough for your average adult to fit in, with a toilet hugging the corner, a small sink, and a tall shower. 'Who the heck would want to live here?!' She thought to herself as she made her way back to the living room and sat on the couch.

She tried to rack her brain on what happened before she blacked out and ended up here. Where was she? She wondered. Then she remembered what the anbu man had told her in the forest, about bringing her do his village and how she could stay with him. She sighed quietly to herself and made her way back to the main room of the house, the room that she woke up in. Koga opened the door almost as soon as Silver sat down on the couch. "Hey kiddo, I see that you're finally awake. Kind of had me worried there, so I brought you back to my place." He greeted her with a kind smile. He walked towards her and held out a folded up outfit, that he had went and bought for her that same morning. It was a white top and short-skirt with thin laces connecting the two, making it look like a dress. There was also a matching pair of lace-up sandals. "Here, if you want to stay here you can't go around looking like some kind of island girl. You've got to look apart." He said in a semi-joking matter, chuckling lightly.

Silver blinked a few times and stared at the outfit, she looked at him as if not believing him. When he nodded his head, she got up from the couch and accepted the outfit. "Thank you..." She said softly before hurrying to the bathroom to change. Fifteen minutes later, she slowly walked out of the bathroom. Silver walked into the main room and looked at Koga. "The skirt is a little short..." She said quietly, putting her arms on either side and straightening out her fingers, to show him that the skirt only came a few inches passed her finger tips. Koga couldn't help but laugh a little. He stood. "We'll fix that." He said, then began walking to the room with the futon. Silver followed him, curious as to what he was thinking. Koga went digging in his closet, until he found a clean bandage wrap. He then stood and went over to Silver. "Here, wrap your upper thighs with this. Not only will it make out like shorts, but it's also stylish. At least in the eyes of our young genin." He explained simply.

Silver blinked a few times, looking at him like he was crazy. "Are you kidding me?" She asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice. He smirked. "Would you rather me do it for you?" He asked, just for the sake of teasing her. Silver's face turned a bright red and she snatched the wrap from him before storming off to the bathroom. It took her half an hour to figure out how to wrap her thighs like Koga had suggested, but she managed to get it. When she was finished, she walked out of the bathroom room and looked herself over. He was right, it really did look like she was wearing shorts! Or leggings. She smiled to herself before going into Koga's room. "It feels weird, but I'm sure I'll get over it." She said, giggling quietly. Koga smirked and walked over to her, just so that he could ruffle her long silver hair.

She blushed lightly and twirled her thumbs. "S-so, what now?" She asked in a hesitant voice. Koga laughed, then grinned. "Now, we go eat." He replied, offering a hand for her to take. "Hope you like ramen, and don't let go of my hand.. Okay? Don't want you getting lost." He teased again, smiling. Silver paused for a moment before taking a hold of his hand. "Okay." Koga kept his smile in-tact as he held her hand and made his way out of the house and to the famous raman shop. Something caught the curious eyes of Silver and she slipped out of Koga's grip without him even realizing it. He didn't know it until he asked for two bowls of ramen and the seller told him that he had come alone... "Ah, man!" He complained. "Put the ramen on hold, I'll be right back." He told the guy before running off.

"Come on Silver, where'd you run off to?" Koga asked aloud after searching the market for twenty-minutes. He spotted her peeping on the academy class from behind a large rock. The class was outside today, for one of their lessons. A lot of the genin classes for one perticular teacher was quite often. Koga slowly approached the young girl, and knelt beisde her. "Didn't I tell you not to let go?" He asked her quietly, holding out his hand. Silver looked at him, saddness in her eyes, then moved her gaze to the rock. "I'm sorry... I just wanted to see what they were doing..." She answered softly in a quiet voice. Koga sighed and gently took her hands off the rock and into his own. "Listen, I can tell you want to be apart of a group and make some friends- but you've got to settle down first." He explained calmly.

"You just got here yesterday, you don't have any memory and I know for a fact that you're not sure what you want to do..." He continued. Silver looked into Koga's golden eyes as he spoke, really taking in what he was saying. "Yeah but--" She went to say something, but cut herself off and looked to the ground. Koga gently rufflled her hair. "Relax, I'll inroll you in a few weeks if that's what you really want." Silver's aquamarine eyes widen and she smiled the biggest smile she could manage. "Really?" He nodded. "You have my word, kid." Koga answered. Silver took a hold of his hand and smiled. "Food?" She asked curiously. He chuckled and got up, picking her up over his shoulders as he rose to his feet.

Koga headed back to the raman shop with Silver on his shoulders with ease. They had formed a bound that not even Orochimaru could see coming. And when he found out, surely he would try to get to the girl himself...

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