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66.66% Time Heals the Broken / Chapter 2: Ch. 2

Chapter 2: Ch. 2

Three weeks later...

Silver had been sneaking off to the same spot that Koga had found her at. Behind the boulder in the back of the school yard. It had been two weeks and the girl still couldn't remember anything. The Hokage tried having the medics search her body and mind for some kind of trauma, but found nothing... What could have caused the girl to lose her memory? Some of the older ninja's knew who she was. But they didn't say anything... Those who knew, were sworn to secretsy by the Third Hokage himself. And her mother, who will remain a mystery.

Silver had also been training day and night for the passed two and a half weeks. All she really knew right now was Taijutsu. When classes were in, she sat behind the rock- when classes were out, she spent her hours training. Granted she did talk the Hokage about her amnisia, not that it did any good, and spent a few days under the watch of the trusted medics. That didn't help either. Something strange was going on, and she wanted to know what.. but she wasn't getting anywhere.

Silver was currently spying on the academy class that spent their day outside. She loved to watch them. Two girls in particular. Sakura Haruno, and Ino Yamanaka. She was quite envious about how close the two girls were. She silently wondered if she would ever have a friend like them. Letting her mind get the better of her, she silently left her spying spot and strolled into town. Just to think, mostly about what couldn't remember. As she was blindly walking, she accidentally wandered into the Forest of Death.

She made it back to the very spot where she had first awoken. Silver slowed to a stop and looked around. This was where Koga found her. 'How did I end up back here?' She thought to herself. Silver sighed softly and sat under a large tree, hugging her knees. About and hour later, she ended up falling asleep. When she awoke, a giant Brown snake was face-to-face with her. Her eyes widen and she pressed herself against the trunk of the tree, her arms raised to protect her face. "Nice...snake....?" Silver asked quietly in a shaky voice. This snake looked familiar, only now it was staring at her. Last time she met this snake, it was carrying her on its back. "Don't worry my dear, it won't hurt you unless I tell it to..." A sithery male voice echoed.

Silver slowly lowered her arms and stared at the giant snake. Orochimaru phased from within the snake, appearing on it's back. Silver's eyes widen in shock. "Wh-who are you...?" She asked the man, her voice shaky. Orochimaru chuckled darkly and walked towards the snakes head. "No need for fear child, I am not your enemy..." He answered casually. Silver shook her head and pulled a hand-made knife from under her pearly white dress, and held it up in defense. "That's not what I asked!" She yelled. The snake hissed and Orochimaru glared at the girl. "Put your weapon down, or I'll let my pet eat you alive." He said in a harsh tone. This child put up quite a front.

Silver did not. Orochimaru smirked, then lunged himself at her before she could blink. Pinning the young girl to the tree behind her, the arm holding the knife away from their faces. Silver's eyes widen to the size of pin-needles. 'Wh-what?! How did he-- ' Her thoughts were cut short by Orochimari extending his tounge to take the knife out of Silver's hand, and then he swallowed it. She was terrified. A small whimper escaped her quivering lips as she stared at the man before her. 'N-no way.... This is it.... He's gonna kill me... ' Her thoughts whispered. Who was this guy.. what was he? Some kind of demon?!

Orochimaru slowly turned his attention to the girl whom he had pinned, his eyes staring deep into hers. A twisted smirk painted across his thin lips. "Listen to me child... Your name is Silver, you were once a part of this world until a man took you. Now you've returned and I sense a great power inside of you... Shinobi's will come after you once they've learned that you have it... Friends will lie to you about your very being... Join me, and I'll make sure that no one deny's you..." He spoke in an alluring voice that gave Silver reasons to believe that he was telling the truth, even if none of his words made any since whatsoever. He really was telling the truth too, this time. Silver was the daughter of a very powerful kunoichi, and a pround ninja, and she harvested her mother's power.

He was there when the child was taken away from the village as an infant. Orochimaru slowly backed off of her and simply waited for her to respond. Silver slowly opened her eyes and stared at him, baffled and confused. "None of that made any since! Wait..." Her voice softened as memories of her days on Destiny Islands unwilling ran through her mind. She put a hand on her head and held it there due to the pain of remembering. The boy in the picture was her brother... Riku. She remembered how she always played together with Sora and Kairi, and Riku too! Silver cried out and fell to her knees, tears now running down her cheeks like waterfalls. "That's enough!" Koga yelled from afar as he approached the scene.

Orichimaru glanced at him with a small. "My work here is done..." He mused, then sank into the ground and disappeared. Koga ran to Silver and knelt, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, did he hurt you?" He asked in a concerned voice. The memories stopped and Silver slowly shook her head. "Look at me." Koga spoke. "I'm fine..." Silver murmured in a soft tone. She took a step away from him and slowly brought her gaze to meet his. "I want to join the academy." She spoke. Koga blinked a few times and stood up straight. After a moment of staring eachother down, Koga smirked and nodded his head once. "Alright. A deal's, a deal after all- right?" He replied. Silver smiled and nodded. "Yeah!" He chirped.

Koga smiled and bent down, carefully picking her up and hoisting her up onto his shoulders. "Let's get home, I'll enroll you tomorrow." He said. Silver loosly wrapped her arms around his forehead and nodded. Then the two went home. 

The next day Silver awoke in the best mood. She quickly got out of bed and got ready to go the academy. Koga had washed her dress and things, so all she had to do was get dressed. She wandered into the bathroom to brush her hair, she stared at the reflection of her messy hair, sighing. "What to do..." She murmured softly as she began to brush her hair. By the time she was finished with her hair, it was up in a side pony tail that curled over her shoulder. "There." She said quietly. She put the brush down and proceeded to find Koga.

Silver walked through the entire house, every room empty. 'Where is he...? ' She thought to herself. She finally found a note that he had left her, lying on the small round table in the kitchen. Silver picked it and read it. The note read that he would be going away for a little bit, and that he had arranged for the hokage to look after her until he got back. She pouted. 'You're kdding right? That old man has enough to deal wtith... ' Her thoughts whispered. She continued reading until she had nothing left to read. He did write that he had enrolled her into the academy, but she wasn't as happy as she expected to be.

She tossed the note side and walked out of the house, closing the door behind her. Silver slowly walked towards the academy, keeping her eyes on the dirt beneath her feet. She was all alone again... Just like when she had first gotten here. Sure, not even a month had passed, but it had felt like time had sped up while she was with Koga... And now he was gone, without knowing when he'd be back. Silver walked into the academy's office where she would say that she was a new student and needed to know where to go. Once she knew where to go, she proceeded to follow the given directions to her class.

"Ah, welcome. You must be the one the Hokage mentioned." The teacher greeted her when she walked into the classroom and told the teacher who she was. Silver bowed like Koga had shown her, then walked to the back of the classroom and sat in an empty spot, all alone. All Silver could think about was missing Koga. She even slugged it when the class went outside. Silver went and sat on a nearby bench while the other kids gathered flowers. She watched the kids from the corner of her eyes, wondering what she was going to do without Koga. She shook her head violently and squeezed her hands into fists on her knees. 'I'm not gonna just sit here and pout!' She thought to herself before pushing off of the bench and standing up.

A group of kids of three approached her. "Hey, what's the matter with you? Are you emo or something?" The group leader asked. The kids behind him laughed. Silver's angered expression quickly faded and she stared at the kids before her. Not saying a word. "Hellooo~ You can hear right? Or are you stupid?" The kids sneered. Silver blinked, she moved her gaze to the ground. "Buzz off!" A female voice called. Silver blinked a few times and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see the one she admired the most in the class- Ino Yamanaka, with little sakura peeking out from behind her. "How many times do I have to get after you guys for picking on little kids?" Ino barked.

The kid and his group quickly fled. Ino looked at Silver. "So, you're new huh?" She asked. Silver simply nodded her head. Ino scoffed. "Please don't tell me you're another Sakura... She grumbled. Silver smirked and shook her head. "I just don't talk much..." She answered quietly. Ino blinked and stared at her. "That so?" She asked. Silver grinned and held out her hand. "Silver. I'm honored to make your acquaintance, Ino-san." Silver greeted properly. Ino blinked a few more times. She couldn't figure the new girl out, and that's just how Silver liked it.

After school was over Silver walked home with Ino and Sakura, they didn't say much so the walk was kind of awkward. They did promise to hang out at school though. Silver was happy to be friends with the girls that made her want to join the academy. When Silver reached Koga's house she placed a hand on the door and lowered her head. 'That's right... Koga's not here...' Her thoughts whispered. Silver clenched a fist, her hand still on the door, and watched as her tears dripped onto the ground beneath her feet. 'Koga... Why did you have to leave...?' She thought to herself.

An hour passed and Silver found herself wondering the village again, not a clue where her feet would take her. She finally stopped around the time that she sun began to set, Silver looked around the area and sighed. All she knew was that she had landed in an alley. Too tired to walk anymore, the young girl sat down with her back the wall and stared at the sky. Soon, her eyes became heavy amd she fell asleep where she sat.

Two years later...

Silver was now tweleve years old. She had graduated from the ninja academy, twice, and just about surpassed Saskue in both power and abilites. She was now apart of team seven with Naruto, Sakura, and Saskue- with Kakashi as captain, after having been taken out of the hospital for reasons unknown. Her new style was a pale lavender sports hoodie with a white knee-lenth shirt and sand colored sandles, her headband tied around her waist like a belt. Not to mention she wore her hair in pigtails. And most of her memories were still lost. Silver walked with her teammates to where they were told to meet with their sensei.

"Hey, I still say it's uncanny that you look so much like Kakashi-sensei. Are you sure you guys aren't related?" Naruto asked, glancing over at Silver. Silver sighed. "For the hundredth time Naruto, we are not related... I don't have any family." She answered quietly. "Just give it a rest Naruto, it obviously hurts her to think about it." Sakura spoke up. Silver rolled her eyes. Ever since Sakura and Ino became rivals and treated each other the way they did, she couldn't stand either one of them. Naruto groaned. "Fine!" He replied in a defeated tone. He knew how she felt though.. seeing how he didn't have any family either.

As they waited for their sensei at the training spot, Silver's mind drifted. She began to wonder if Koga would ever be back. Two years had passed and she hadn't heard anything about him or from him. The Hokage couldn't even tell her if he was alive or not... 'Koga... Did you go and get yourself killed...?' Her thoughts wondered quietly. Naruto glanced at Silver, understanding that shd and he had more in common than she realized, and wanted to reach out to her but didn't know how. He didn't really have a lot of friends after all.

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