/ Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques / Through Otherworldly Eyes

Through Otherworldly Eyes Original

Through Otherworldly Eyes

Author: Katran5665

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Medacorp's newest piece of technology, The Kaleidoscope, has taken the world by storm. Functioning as a contact lens, this item literally changes the way how one sees the world through its advanced Augmented Reality function.

And even more exciting is their newly released Role-players' DLC that makes your life into an MMORPG!! Everyone wants it. Everyone has it! Except of course for our dirt poor main character, Devon Miller.

He is the only boomer of this city who hasn't touched even a smartphone. But that all changes when his Uncle leaves him a small box under his will. Enter the world of Antoria Metropolis where the lines between reality and fiction are blurred.

Parental Guidance Suggested
  1. Katran5665
    Katran5665 Contributed 3
  2. cosmic_caveman
    cosmic_caveman Contributed 2
  3. Eurydactyl
    Eurydactyl Contributed 1

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Author Katran5665