/ Fantasy / The vessel of domination

The vessel of domination Original

The vessel of domination

Fantasy 4 Chapters 4.5K Views
Author: pegasus_z0

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Millions of years ago, there existed a place called earth, dominated by humans. But inexplicably, the border between the realities fractured. The and beings beyond humanities comprehension began to appear. Demons. They were intelligent yet hostile and, on behalf of their supreme being ,waged war with humanity for control of earth. These beings had better technology, superhuman strength, had control of a strange energy called mana, and were known for their ability to summon creatures of other worlds. With human technology, there was no chance. It looked hopeless for humanity as many of their biggest prides and history had been destroyed in the war and they hadn’t even killed a single demon. All world leaders and government was ripped down mercilessly so humans had no coordination. It looked like extinction would soon follow. But then, a an entity emerged. An entity that called itself asura. This entity granted humanity the same powers as the demons, and humanity used them to battle the demons. Unfortunately, this battle left earth uninhabitable for weaker beings, as children could not accumulate enough mana to even breathe. When it looked like humanities efforts had been in vain, asura emerged again. He granted humanity the power to travel to other worlds. Humanity broke through the fabric of black matter and found themselves on the same planet as demons and other creatures. What followed was a bloody battle that ended in a treaty with demons and the other races as each took their part of the world. Asura congratulated humanity and gave it his last gift, the knowledge that the beasts of this world could be turned into powerful armor.
The humans Asked how they could ever repay this debt. And asura only said “make peace with each other and the other races, for they are my children too. I must sleep now, but when I return, I wish to find humanity at its strongest, for not even I am prepared for what is to come.” Humanity swore to do its best to accomplish its goal. Millions of years later this wish has not been fulfilled. This was a world ruled by the strong. The races frequently wared over petty things and were split into many factions. Cults that worshipped entities other than asura emerged. The ruling power of the humans was fought over or hereditary. The government is corrupt and incompetent, using power to gain control. But while factions battle over power and control, incomprehensible forces are rising, and a child named Damion will find him self at the center of it all.

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Author pegasus_z0