Beneath the Seabreeze Kingdom, Sebastian was surrounded by a hundred infected citizens and soldiers. Over the course of the two weeks, he spent time and day going above the sewers and infecting them, and taking them below. Obviously, he didn't want to resort to such measures but he couldn't stop the voices from taking over.
"Listen up, maggots! You will return to the surface and infect everyone you!" Sebastian stated.
"What about us?" A woman asked.
"Well, I have a special task for you, Shelby. You are to kill everyone that stands in your way. As for Tom, you'll fight the A-Rank guards."
Tom, a former knight, was an AA-Ranked in both categories and willingly allowed himself to be infected. He was infected before Sebastian was captured by Hrothgar and Kaela, and remained on standby. While Shelby was the name of the mother of her dead child, Hudson.
Hello, my readers!
I will be taking a short break to get some much needed to rest. I hope you understand as this is slightly mental exhausting.