With the failure of the attempted pincer movement, German Chief of Staff Fajinhan quickly proposed another plan - concentrating forces in weak areas of the enemy and implementing a frontline breakthrough, a tactic that was named the Central Breakthrough.
The pincer movement strategy was initiated by Hindenburg and Ludendorff. After the failure of the large encirclement plan, Hindenburg and Ludendorff had to obey the command of Fajinhan, and the East Prussian army and the Austro-German army began to carry out the Central Breakthrough.
After a series of complex comparisons and judgments, the German General Staff finally chose the upstream area of the Vistula River in the Gorelitz District as the core area for the breakthrough.
The Vistula River originates from the Hungarian Region and flows north through Warsaw, dividing most of the East Prussian Region.
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