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100% The Plunderer / Chapter 1: The Plunderer
The Plunderer The Plunderer original

The Plunderer

Author: LordHermes

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Plunderer

One day, numerous dungeons appeared across the world. These dungeons were filled with monsters and incredible artifacts.

Many adventurers ventured down to locate these artifacts in hopes of having an easier time taking down the beasts that killed their brethren.

But these artifacts were not easy to find. On one trip, a squad entered a small-sized dungeon. As they got closer and closer to the artifact room screams and wails echoed from both front and backward of their location.

In fear, they dug out into the walls to make a little shelter. But they were not quick enough. They only managed to dig out a hole big enough for one person to enter. And so, the creatures pounced on the hunters and killed all but one. The monsters would not give the young hunter a single chance to escape.

Days passed, he was running out of water and food. An idea crossed his mind. He thought that he could survive longer if he consumed the flesh of the beasts. And so, on the next attack of the monstrous beast, he gouged out a large chunk of the paw.

Its meat looked disgusting, straight out of a horror film. But he had to endure it. He took a large bite of the flesh. He thought to himself that it doesn't taste that bad.

Minutes went by, and as they did, his eyes became redder and redder. For the next couple of minutes, he uncontrollably scratched his skin. He sat there hours upon hours upon hours.

But something was different. He felt empowered. To him, it felt like power surged in his veins. They glowed a bright yellow color.

On the very next encounter, he decided to give one final push. That's all he could do. He had little faith in his ability to escape from his prior attempts. But this time was different, he now had the power of the beast he consumed. Every movement he made was now at least four times faster. He walked out of his little dug-out cave. Six wolf-like beasts jumped in synchronization at the young man.

His unskilled techniques which would have normally killed him managed to become deadly weapons. His swipes cut up each creature with ease.

After defeating the creatures he did not even please the thought of going for the artifact. Swiftly running out of the entranceway, he made his way to the police station.

He explained everything that happened about his squad and what happens if you eat the monster meat. The matter was taken up to government officials.

And so, it was made an international law that you must consume some beast flesh at birth. An agency called ''The Tavern'' was set up so you will have to register before you may go exploring in the dungeons.

And so, I sit here, in this classroom learning for my hunter license. My name is Tom, nineteen, black hair and a relatively fit body. Here at the academy, we learn survival techniques. Today is my exam day and I will be honest with you. I am pretty confident in my ability to pass this test.

After the exam, there is a two hour period before we receive our test result. Just two more minutes and the clock strikes twelve. All I need is to get above a sixty. Nothing more, nothing less. We had our practical exam three weeks before this. Our results are combined with the written one.

And the bell rang, everyone stood up and left the room. Groups quickly formed and chatter erupted among them. Questions being thrown around like ''How was the exam for you?''.

I didn't have anyone to talk to since my family kept moving every year. I had no time to make any friends. But now, I will earn riches through these artifacts. Hopefully….

I should head to the marketplace. Maybe I will find some good equipment to use during my first trip into the dungeon. My decided weapon is a knife. Preferably dual-action but one will do the trick.

As I enter the marketplace, I am instantly welcomed by greedy merchants trying to sell me their low-grade swords and daggers. Even an inexperienced person could tell that these were poorly made weapons.

With me being a little popular with the girls, I get a lot of requests for my number. But I have a rule for myself. I simply cannot date anyone until I become strong enough to protect them with my own hands.

That aside, there is nothing too interesting in these stores. I mean, I could visit the artifact store to get a good knife or some kind of breastplate. But those items are just too expensive.

''Well, I guess I should take a stroll through the park-''

What the hell? What was that? I felt a chill coming from one of the carpets on the ground. Behind the weapons that were laid out on the carpet, sat a hooded figure.


A knife called out to me, soft warm whispers flooded my ear. I couldn't tell for sure but I feel the whispers were coming from the knife.

''How much does this knife cost?''

The figure stretched out their hand with a piece of paper that had the number 1.99. It was incredibly cheap. Even if it turns out to be nothing good, it only cost like two shines.

The out-stretched hand looked like a woman's. I hope she doesn't intend to ask me for my number for such a good price.

''I would like to purchase this knife if at all possible.''

I placed two shines(currency) in the palm of the woman. I grabbed the knife and its hilt and attached it to my belt. It was a light material.

As I stood up to walk away, the cloaked woman grabbed my sleeve and spoke in a low voice.

''Good luck on your adventures. I hope we can work together in the future.''


She let go and I went on with my slow stride around the market.

Two hours pass and all I found aside from that knife was a good quality backpack and some steel forearm plates.

As I pack away the steel plates and knife into the backpack, my phone lets out a ring. People started staring at me for an unusual ringtone.

The screen read 'Academy'. I picked up the call and put it to my ear.

''Is this Tom?''

''Yes, it is me, Tom.''

''The test results have come in and we need you to hear them. After checking all of your answers, along with your practical test you received a total of ninety-one points out of one-hundred. You have officially passed. Please come back to the academy to pick up your new Hunter ID card.''

The call was ended by them. I was filled with joy. I expected to pass but this score was better than I could have ever imagined.

I quickly ran towards the Academy office. A line of men and women quickly formed. I guess a lot of people passed this year's exam.

It took half an hour, but in the end, I managed to get the license. It was very shiny and smooth. The material was not plastic. Possibly carbon fiber.

I ran straight back to my apartment where my roommate, Timmy, sat on the bed. Timmy looked up at me from his book.

''So how did you do?''

''Ah you know, I barely passed.''

''Haha fool, I am superior to you. I got seventy-seven points.'' Says Timmy throwing his book on the ground.

''You call me a fool but you got such a pitiful score. I got a whole ninety-one. Bow down to me. Remember our bet? You have to buy us the pizzas tonight.''

''Yeah, yeah whatever. What do you want on your pizza? The usual?'' Asked Timmy, while he was taking his phone out.''

''You bet I want the usual. Nothing beats a double pepperoni pizza.''

Timmy walked outside to order us the food. You could barely hear his muffled voice through the wooden door. While he is doing that I should browse the internet for some good guilds.

Guilds are large groups of people who form squads for people that have very little experience. Usually, you only form a squad with the people in your guild. There are many guilds across the world.

The front door bursts open from a kick. Timmy looked at me with a panicked expression.


''W-Wait? We should get going.''

We both ran at top speed down the cement pathway. We took a shortcut through the park to make sure we get there faster.

As we neared, I noticed the police officers putting up barricades to stop anyone passing through. Past the barricades, a squad stood circular. On their backs the emblem of the fifth most powerful guild in our country. They are…..''The Punishers''.

The name is pretty scary, but it doesn't hold any significance. They sometimes help out the police if an ex hunter escapes prison. Nothing too special.

They have incredible artifacts. Most of the members of the squad are lame. The one person in that squad that I admire is their leader, Jenna. She is a foreigner with a pretty good American accent.

She carried a large scythe. The handle glowed a faint dark blue color. It was a little taller than her which made her look very short.

She must have felt my stare on her because she looked straight in my direction. She waved as if we had met before.

Minutes pass. Nothing happened. Just the police finishing up with their tasks. Jenna jumps on top of one of the cop cars. She puts a megaphone up to her mouth and speaks.

''Sorry to bother, but we require one more person for this expedition. You will be compensated with a fair amount.''

My knife started vibrating in my backpack. It was shaking hard. Maybe it's telling me to join them. Hmmm….. Ah, what the hell, I have nothing to lose by going with such a strong squad. It's just free money.

I sprint at top speed to the car. As I near her cop car a police officer tackles me.

''Sir, I will need to check your Hunter ID.''

I pull out the small carbon fiber card and hand it to the police officer. He pulled out a device that he used to scan the card.

He then handed it back to me and opened a little entrance. I walked through the little entrance where I had to walk around a few cars to get to the squad. They all looked at me and grinned.

''This is your opportunity to see some real hunter work right on the battlefield.'' One of the tall bulky men said.

Jenna walked back from the cop car. She placed her hand on my back and spoke in a soft voice.

''Just stick near me and you will be alright, you understand sweetie? I will teach you some things they don't they didn't tell you about in the academy.''

''Thank you very much, Miss Jenna. I am in your care.''

She smiled and grabbed my hand to drag me along to the entrance.

This dungeon's entrance seemed to be carved out of a large tree. The entrance stood very tall and it was very dark past the gate.

We all walked through the gate and disappeared through the darkness.

**Chapter End**

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