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44.44% The Evolved Alpha / Chapter 3: Those Who Are Left Behind

Chapter 3: Those Who Are Left Behind


I am lying on the ground in the same part of the forest that the Nemeton is located in. The only difference from the last time I was here, is that it's night time. Looking up I see that, not only is the moon shining brightly in the sky, but it is a Full Blood Moon. Which is casting a deep red glow around the clearing. I slowly sit up, realizing that I am next to the Nemeton. As I put my left hand on the Nemeton to pull myself up, I am pulled into a vision of 6 animals that flash before my eyes.

(Bardo Vision)

I am standing in a room with white walls, floors, and ceiling. In the middle of the room was the Nemeton.

Sitting on top of the Nemeton was a White Wolf sitting on its hind legs, staring directly at me with glowing red eyes. To the left of the Wolf, was a Coyote laying down right against the Wolf. When it looks at me it's eyes glow a dark gold. On the right side of the Wolf, was a giant Black Dog, laying on its front legs. It's body was set on fire but without any harm coming to the Dog. Its eyes flash a fiery red, as the Dog's eyes meet mine. Laying in front of the Nemeton, is a fully grown Lion. Who looks like they are the first line of defense between anything that would be dumb enough to attack the Wolf. The eyes of the Lion flash a lighter blue than I have ever seen. On the right side of the Black Dog, sitting on the floor is a Jaguar that is looking at me with its head tilted, as its eyes flash a glowing green. While on the left side of the Coyote, is a Fox that is standing protectivly at the base of the Nemeton. With four tails wagging all around behind the Fox, as its eyes flash with an orange glow. Just then the Jaguar Opens it's mouth and I hear a woman's scream before I am sent flying backwards. Just as everything around me vanishes.

(End Bardo Vision)

When I am back in the clearing I am standing in front of the Nemeton. Sitting on top of the stump of the Nemeton is the same Black Dog from the Vision I saw. Laying at the feet of the Dog, was a body that was wrapped in cloth. The Dog locks eyes with me when I hear a voice inside my head say what I think is it's name.


I am then pulled back into the real world.


My eyes snap open, and on instinct I roar.


I roll off the steel table and begin looking around. I see i'm in a back room of a house. Inhaling through my nose, I pick up the scents of Shifters like me. But it is the scent right behind me that draws my attention. Turning around I see Monica's body laying on another table that was right beside the one I was lying on.

I walk to her and see that her hands, forearms, and lower legs, all had burnt skin. When I am right next to her body. I put my forehead to hers while whispering to myself.

"I hope you find peace... Wherever you are... You will always be with me."

As tears fall from my eyes. Before I can do more then pull away, to where I am looking down at Monica's body, I hear the door open. Looking at the door I see two older women entering. One is an older white woman with dark brown hair and eyes. The other women is someone I have met many times before when she would come to visit my Mother. Satomi Ito, the oldest Alpha residing in Beacon Hills.

I glance at them before looking back at Monica's body as I say.

"Hello Satomi, I wish I could say I'm happy to see you... But I really don't know what I feel right now."

"I don't blame you for that, you, Thomas, went through something no one should have to experience... We just want to make sure you are okay."

Satomi says, while walking next to me and turning me around. The second I am facing her she hugs me and I ask.

"How long was i unconscious?"

The other women is the one to answer.

"Three days, but you weren't unconscious... You were in-between life and death... Both of-"

Satomi cuts off the woman saying.

"Tonya, not right now... What happened to your pack Thomas? I heard your Mother's roar... But when I got to your home it was too late."

I whisper.

"The Argents, they happened... I hate them... I want them dead."

Before she can say anything to refute what I said. I pull away from her as I continue, with my voice going from a whisper to a yell.

"I want them all dead, for what they did... For What They Took From Me... I WILL DESTROY THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID!"

Just then Monica's body is engulfed in dark orange and red fire. A howl reverberated throughout the room, shaking the whole house and echoing further from the home of Satomi.



(3rd POV)

(Across Beacon Hills at the hospital)

Laura and Derek Hale are running through the doors of the intensive care unit of the hospital. Stopping only when they are passing by a window and see their uncle Peter lying motionless on one of the beds. Unresponsive to anything that was going on around him.

Just then a deputy of the Sheriff Station walks up to both siblings and asks.

"Laura and Derek Hale?"

Both look at the deputy and nod so the man continues.

"I am Deputy Noah Stilinski. I am the one that called you here. We have just finished combing through the ruins of your house... I can't say much now, but let me start with I'm truly sorry for your loss. However.... we did find a survivor. He was buried in the basement with a support beam trapping him... Can either of you tell us his name? we.... We weren't able to identify who he is."

As the deputy motions to the window, and through it is the body of Peter.

"He is our uncle, his name is Peter... How long ago did you find him?"

Laura asked while looking through the window, with a tear falling from the corner of her eye.

"Early this morning.... Around three thirty. He was trapped there for two days..."

Derek, hearing this falls to his knees in tears. Gasping for breath.

"Derek.. Derek listen to me. breathe Derek."

Laura says while crouching down in front of Derek taking his face in her hands, coaxing him to look into her eyes, as they flash the bright red of an Alpha. Derek visibly calms but is still crying whispering to her.

"This is my fault... I should have been there... I shou-"

"No Derek this isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself. None of this was your fault."

Laura then hugs Derek tightly as she looks up at Noah saying.

"Thank you deputy Stilinski.... For everything."

Noah nods before saying.

"Again I'm sorry for your loss... It's a true tragedy."

Then turning around and leaving through the doors of the intensive care unit. Derek whispers.

"What are we going to do now Laura? We can't just stay here and wait for the hunters to finish us off."

Laura looks back at Peters body before she said with a sad and defeated tone.

"We make sure Peter is put somewhere safe... Where he is looked after. You and I will leave after that. we need to disappear."

Just then a howl of something unknown and demonic is heard by both siblings, forcing their eyes to flash.



(3rd POV)

(Deep in the middle of the woods)

Cora Hale is in an abandoned cabin sitting on the floor with her knees against her chest and her arms are crossed around her legs. Silently crying to herself with a haunted look in her eyes. She has been running since she escaped the fire. Only stopping when she found somewhere safe enough to sleep. She keeps whispering to herself.

"I'm sorry Thomas. I wasn't fast enough... I should have been faster. I should have I... im just so sorry."

Just then a howl of some demonic beast is heard by Cora forcing her eyes to change.


Cora immediately jumped to her feet running out of the cabin, away from that howl. as fast as she could not daring to turn back.

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