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55.55% The Evolved Alpha / Chapter 4: Gwyllgi The Dog of Twilight

Chapter 4: Gwyllgi The Dog of Twilight


I turn to Monica just as she finishes howling and shoots into a sitting position, I yell.


While reaching out for her. She grabs my hand just as the fire around her left arm extinguishes, and Pulls me closer to her. She grabs my throat with her right hand, then growls in my face before throwing me at Tonya. Knocking us both to the ground and kicking Satomi in the gut, sending her into the wall. She then runs to the window of the back wall before jumping through it.

I scrambled to my feet before running towards the window. When I get to it and look out, I see Monica Crouching down with fire swirling around her as she shifts from her human form into the form of the Black Dog from my vision only smaller. Just as her transformation finished, she took off faster then my eyes could follow. I jump out of the window, landing in a roll before following her scent, that completely changed with no trace of Monica's Human scent anywhere in the scent of fire, and what I can only describe as death. Not like something dead, but what my senses tell me death's scent would be.

After only fifteen minutes of Chasing Monica, I began to lose my breath. Like I am already running out of stamina. I growl before focusing on my power as I force myself to run faster. Immediately my vision intensifies, my speed increases even more, and I am able to breathe without straining my body.

The longer I follow Monica, the more I am confused about where she was going. By the time I find anything other than her scent, the moon is already high into the sky. I get to the edge of the forest against the road leading into town. I see something that gives me any idea about what she is doing. Seven bodies, all blazing with the same dark orange and red fire that was harmlessly surrounding Monica's body, only these seven were quickly burning.

When I am as close as I can get, I can tell that all seven were Werewolves. The only two scents I can clearly pickup are. Monica's Shifted Form and the scent of one of the other Alphas of Beacon Hills that I know of. Ennis, the physically strongest of all the Alphas living in California. Looking closer at what was remaining of the bodies, I see deep cuts from what I assume was claws slashing across the chest of one of them. Not from an animal or anything, but the clawed hand of a partial transformation.

I hear a warning growl further down the road. I can barely see Monica, in her Shifted Form, without any fire around her body. She was standing defensively in the middle of the road, with her fiery red eyes locked on me. I slowly walk closer to her as I say.

"Monica it's me Thomas. I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you."

Her growls grow louder, as I remember the name I heard in my vision so I say.


Her or it's growling stopped and it tilted its head looking at me, before slowly laying down. Its eyes never once left me, but I took its behavior as a good sign.

"What are you? I take it you're not Monica anymore?"

It lays it's head on its front paws before looking at the spot directly in front of it then to me and back to the spot. I swallow thickly, then taking the message for what it is, I go directly in front of the dog and crouch down. I stare into its eyes and smell its baleful breath. As I reach out my arm, and run my hand against the fur of its head while I continue to stare into its eyes. When I go to withdraw my hand, it bites my forearm and I am pulled into its mind.

(Inside the mind of the Hellhound)

I am in a void of darkness and clouds when lightning begins to strike all around me and thunder Rumbles. Right in front of me, a vortex of fire blazes to life before a second later is the fully grown version of Gwyllgi looking directly at me. I hear a deep voice in my mind.

"I am Gwyllgi... It means Dog of Twilight or Wild Dog. I gained that name when I first found my freedom from the Hunt. I have had many names both before and after, such as Cwn Cyrff meaning Corpse Dog, but Gwyllgi was always the most accurate to what I am."

I ask cautiously.

"You're not any type of Werebeast that I ever heard of. But you are obviously a Shifter. So, what are you? What did you do to those bodies? And what about Monica is she... Is she still alive?"

For a long moment Gwyllgi or Twilight is silent then I hear his deep voice again as it slowly says.

"I am a spirit reborn with a purpose. A protector of the supernatural. Compelled to forever make sure the supernatural stays where it belongs, in the shadows. A Harbinger of death. I. AM. A. HELLHOUND."

As Twilight finished the whole of the void shook as the lightning intensified then all at once, everything stopped leaving an eeire silence before Twilight continues.

"Your Friend is alive, thanks to me. When I found her in Bardo, I chose her as my host. Not because I could bring her back, but because she is a druid. Through her I can find what I want most. To be free."

I look at Twilight and ask curiously.

"Free from what?"

Instead of answering me. I feel my consciousness being forced out of the mind of Gwyllgi.


When I come back to the real world. It's already dawn, and I'm not where I was before the Wild Dog pulled me into its mind. As I open my eyes the first thing I see is the burnt ruins of my Home. I am lying on the ground. Right where my mother was killed by the Argent's. Feeling something against my chest, I look away from the ruins to what it is. Seeing Monica, back in her human form with her head right over my heart. I smile for a moment and whisper.

"What ever your reasoning for giving her a second chance at life... I am grateful for bringing her back to me... Thank you Gwyllgi, The Dog of Twilight."

Just after I finished speaking I heard a snap of twigs. My head whips in that direction. While standing up and putting myself in between whoever is coming and Monica. But I'm not able to catch a scent of anything. It's like my sense of smell has plummeted to the standard of a regular human. When I see who it is I sigh in relief saying.

"Satomi, Tonya, what are you doing here?"

Satomi raised one of her eyebrows before saying.

"After making sure Tonya was okay.... We have been looking for you. I couldn't pick up your scent after I came across seven piles of ash. Want to tell me what happened?"

Rubbing the back of my head I say.

"Well you see..."


After explaining what all happened last night. Satomi said that Monica and I can stay with her pack for as long as I needed. So now I am in a bedroom with two beds in it. I am sitting on the bed to the left side of the room, watching Monica peacefully sleeping on the bed to the right side of the room. We have been here for a few hours and I have been in this position since. Just waiting for Monica to wake up. As time passes though, I start to succumb to the exhaustion of the past few days and fall asleep. Reliving mine and Monica's torture. The Faces of four out of the five hunters flash through my mind. Though not from my perspective but the hunter that I killed.

(Hunters memory)

"We shouldn't be doing this. Mark... this is wrong. We will be killing kids if we do this."

One of the hunters says to me looking royally pissed about what he just walked in on. Annoyed I huff before stepping away from the unconscious druid. I glance at her burnt hands that have been fried by the wire in my hands. Then looking at Jason Masters, a Rogue Expert Hunter but obviously loyal to the code. I laugh as I walk closer to him and say.

"This is what Gerard wants. Are you going to disobey one of the hunter families?"

Just then three other people walk into the room. I look at them and see my Brother Victor Maxwell. Like me he is a Hunter of the Argent's. To his right is a Hunter I just met named Matthew Thompson. Apparently he is a former Marine and Expert Hunter in his own right. In-between the two, and a little bit behind them, is someone that, like Kate, is from one of the big Hunter families. William Ulvesølv, the Code Breaker. excommunicated member of the Ulvesølv family. Who looks at Kate in the corner, patching up her wounded shoulder. William then looks at Jason saying.

"You don't want to do this?"

All Jason can do is nod before William nods to Victor and Matthew, as he continues.

"You have two options do as you're told.... Or die."

Just then both Victor and Matthew pull their pistols, pressing them both against Jason's forehead. Kate, who has been watching this with interest, having forgotten to finish patching her wound, says

"What's it going to be handsome, live or die?"

Jason looks at all five of us with some trepidation before huffing as he says.

"Fine, though when this is over, I don't want to see any of you again."

(End of Memory)


Nerdy_stoner Nerdy_stoner

If you liked this chapter, leave me a Power Stone. Have a nice day.

Gwyllgi comes from Welsh mythology. If you're interested in it look it up it's not much but the names meaning fits the world of teen wolf perfectly for a hellhound.

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