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75% Secret Kingdom into the Outside World / Chapter 6: Ch. 6 Arrived

Chapter 6: Ch. 6 Arrived

We sail for awhile and it became sunrise. It sure was beautiful it was more beautiful to watch it from the waters than the castle. It already felt like a adventure. Even though we just started. As we drifted for while I shouted, Land ahead! Sakura grinned,"You sound so immature." I gave her an I don't care face. We then started to sail to that land. Which become a small town. I watched as we began to land. We parked on the dock and we took our stuff out the boat. Sakura tied up the boat. Wow, I said in amazement. Sakura carried all of our stuff out the boat. Sakura and I had our small bags of coins hidden in our clothing. As we walked Sakura said," Im going to get us somewhere to stay." I nodded agreeing, okay I'll find a library to get us a map maybe some information about this place. As we separated Sakura gave me a worried look,"Be careful," she said. As I walked careful and cautiously. It was a beautiful small town. Full of shops and tools. I then saw a library I took a inside. I looked around looking at all the books stacked on the shelf's. Wow this place is amazing. Although it's small it's still so wonderful. There wasn't a lot of people inside. I was about to take a look some books. My hood slowly fell off. Someone then pined me against the bookshelf and said," You're so beautiful ma'am want to ditch this place and go somewhere more private." They lifted my chin as I turned away. I shook my head as I push him away. The guy then forcedly grabbed me. I pulled back. "Damn a strong the kind of girl I like that," the guy said flirty as he when to my face. I turned my head away. Then another guy when this way saying," It isn't nice to force the young lady." The guy then yelled,"What did you say!" Another guy answered calmly," I don't want to pick a fight with you." The guy answered,"Well you just did!" And he ran at him. As someone opened the door I kicked to guy out the door he flew out knocked out. The guy opening the door looked surprised and frozen. I signed in relief. I took a good look at the other guy, I saw he had gray eyes and a dark purple black hair. He said, "Hey thanks for that." I responded, I should be thanking you, you saved me back there. "Why didn't you do that before," he said questioning. I responded, well I didn't wanted to break anything and make a bad impression. He then introduced himself, "Im Ren Ito you are?" I responded, I'm Jupiter. I shook his hand. Ren asked, "So what are you doing in this library or you just wanted to cause trouble." I laughed a little and answered, No I was to get a map and some information. Ren replied, "I guess its your first time in this town," he points, "the maps are over there." He pointed shelf's that had some wraped up maps. I then bowed my head a little saying, "Thanks you for helping me out." Then when to where Ren was pointing too. I put my hood back on my head as I when to the shelf. I heard footsteps probably Ren when to back what he was doing, I thought. As I looked though the maps. Eventually I left with some maps and books in my hands and walked around the town a little. Soon I saw Sakura waking by. By then it was already the afternoon. Sakura then said," Have about we go to that bar I heard it was pretty good," I answered, Oh sure. Sakura smiled, "This way," she said as she lead the way. We when in the bar. It was full of different kinds of people. We sat at a table in the corner. A waiter come over, "Hello you two young lady what can I do for you both." Sakura looked over the menu and said, "Two beef stew and water please." The waiter wrote it down as bowed down thanking us as walks to the next table. Wow I see your getting use to this place, I said surprised. "I'm just acting casual," Sakura said blankly. The waiter come with our water placing it in front of us, "Your food will be out in a bit," she said as she walked away. I took a sip of the water. Hmm it isn't terrible, I said looking at the water. "Different from what your use to huh," Sakura said. I nodded as I took another sip. It wasn't that I was picky I'm just not use to this stuff. It's so different to me and interning so I'm not going to complain about it. Or food soon come. "Sorry for the wait you two could enjoy," the waiter said as she walks off. Hmm do you think we would have to work, I said. "Huh k never actually thought of that," Sakura said. We really didn't plan ahead. I guess we have to be careful of what we get, I said as I took a small bite of the beef stew. "How is it," Sakura asked curiously. Try it for yourself, I said to her. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. It has this weird kind of taste I can't explain it. I take another bite. Even though it's kind of weird it isn't bad. Sakura took a bite. "Hmmm it okay," she said. I guess she knows what I mean. Soon we finished the beef stew. "They how about dessert?" the waiter said. Desserts, I said. "We have some chocolate cake, vanilla, strawberry and cheese cake," the waiter said. "Oh I'll have the cheese cake please," Sakura said.

Then I'll get vanilla, I said. "I'll have them in a container if you two are going," she said. "Ah okay that's quiet alright," Sakura answered. The waiter nodded as she heads to the kitchen. I take a look around seeing that more people have crowded the place. She quickly gave our containers of cakes and we paid leaving quickly. Plew it was quite crowd in there, I said as we walked. I looked up to see the sun setting down. "I guess we should head to the hotel," Sakura said. I nodded as Sakura walked. Later on we arrived to our hotel. We walked out the steps going to our room. "I already go your stuff in the room," Sakura said. Thank you Sakura, I said with a kind smile. Sakura unlocked the room as we walked in. It was quiet small with two small rooms and a small bathroom. "Your room is right there," Sakura said as points to it. I walked over the my room. Just a bed and some drawers. What will we be doing tomorrow? I asked. "Hmm we could explore a little of the town before traveling anywhere," she answered. Sounds like a plan, I said. Sakura hands me a blanket, "Get some rest we have a long day tomorrow." I nodded as I sit on the bed. I heard Sakura shutting her door already. I looked over the bathroom. I guess I should take a short bath after all the traveling to get here. I close the bathroom door and slowly undress myself. Taking off my pin and placing it on a chair. I turn on the warm water filling up the small tub. I turned it off as it filled it halfway. I when inside the tub laying my body with my head slightly sticking out. It was so warm and nice. I splash the water on my face softly rubbing the water on my skin. It was relaxing. I then started the wet my hair slightly as water dripped down my hair. I sat there for awhile as the water gets a little cold. I held my hand out on top the water as I did a small fire lit on top my hand as the water warm up a little. I always wander how it will be like if I was a dragon. Who could fly in the clouds and feel so free. I could never though. It could take too much power and only the best royals could perfect it. But maybe one day as the flame disappears from my hand. A dunk my head in the water just for a little. Dylan I hope your light will glide me. I pulled my head out getting out the tub as I drain the water. I wrapped myself in a towel walking to my room. I closed the door behind me. I first dried my hair by rubbing my toweling on my hair. I then got changed just wearing a light blue night grown. After I combed my hair with a brush from my bag. I got our my room seeing the vanilla cake on the table. Sakura must of eaten her cheese cake already. I then opened the container and tried the cake. Wow it was really good. I ate it slowly slavering every bite until I finished it. I when the the bathroom and retrieve my pin going to my bedroom. I tied up my hair as I laid down on the bed. I held the pin in my hands looking out the window. The moon, I said softly to myself. I walked up to the window and opened it. A cold breeze of wind blew but I didn't care. I smiled as I looked out the town. With the lights glowing in the dark. Who knew the town could be so beautiful at night. I then looked at the pin as another cold breeze blew. Yea it was cold so I quickly closed the window and crawled into bed as I put the blanket over me. I look at the pin. Everything I left behind. A curled up a little slowly falling asleep.

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