/ Book&Literature / Reverend Insanity: Poison-Refining Demon Venerable
This is a Fanfiction about Reverend Insanity.
A young man dies and reincarnates into a world he knows all too well, the undisputed absolute nightmare difficulty if you are talking about a new life.
But he will rise above all else, whatever the price may be. He does not care if he reaches eternity as a saint or a demon, but the world he has been born into may have already decided that for him.
Discord: 5efZtawZKC
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Write a reviewbro is this the golden age of RI fanfics this is the third ri fabric I found one after another
Awesome beginning! Awesome world! The MC seems like a chill guy and since the author is a RI enjoyer, I don't believe this book deserve less than 5 stars. Keep it up bro! I believe in you!
Let’s see how long you last with this, I’ve seen many write rn novels but they usually don’t pass 70 in the end
I... have no idea what I'm reading! That's probably because I'm not even halfway through Reverend Insanity, but I couldn't resist. In any case, this is enjoyable enough even with my confusion.
Who stared to recomm other fanficton of RI ? Attainment levels start with ordinary followed by Master, Grandmaster, Great Grandmaster, and Supreme Grandmaster. In between those levels are sub-levels which are called quasi-attainment level, for example, quasi-master. But there are also 'levels' like nonexistent attainment and more vague terms such as low attainment which are generally speaking no real attainment levels and are therefore kept in square brackets [...]. Anything below master level lacks intuitions and the difference between them are generally in gu worm usage experience.
This book feels like my late night snacks 🤤 and I love it, it tastes like dark chocolate 🍫 a little bitter and chocolaty. This MC is not exactly my favourite since I like a touch of romance 💝 but since you are reading this you must be here for a protagonist like FY right? Then I can garantie you that you are not gonna regret reading this ff. Although this MC has much easier life compared to FY, but they are fundamentally quite similar. Of course this is a premature review, so most of it is not gonna be accurate but let me tell you this MC is gonna turn out mad crazy. Also, I must tell you...What I like the most about this book is obviously the ✨AUTHOR-SAN✨. Lots and lots of love for you ACDPQS. P.S. It updates daily😏✨. keep up the good work.
Hasta el momento es el mejor fanfic de Reverend Insanity que he leído, me encanta en todos los aspectos, solo puedo desearle al autor que no se rinda, que no nos abandone, ya sufrimos la pérdida de RI, mi corazón no podría resistirlo otra vez!!! Mil gracias por todo!!! ♥︎
Lovin'it! Poison path got a lot of possibility with refinement path, can't wait for Mc to start cooking some real nasty poison ! Or medecine, only diff is the dosage. Thx for your work so far, can't wait for more
some advice, put "reverend insanity" in the title if you want more visualization, when searching it's difficult to find your work I would think it would be cool if Mc created a new original path, to be practiced along with the path of poison and refinement, I think it would be very original and it would be interesting for Mc to gradually develop this path, and his work to hide it (it could be something like a potion path, since there is already a pill path)
Great start so far, mc is kinda a mad scientist type who strikes me as ruthless. Hope for more chapters!
Mooooooooooore_Mooooooooooore Mooooooooooore_Mooooooooooore Mooooooooooore_Mooooooooooore Mooooooooooore_Mooooooooooore Mooooooooooore_Mooooooooooore Mooooooooooore_Mooooooooooore
Reveal Spoiler[img=fp][img=recommend][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=recommend][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp]
Hope for a finished story ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I just want to say in case you don't understand but fangyuan is not obsessed with eternal life and it is not his dream, eternal life is just a goal in his life. so please don't just write a random goal when you are creating a character please try understand the goal that you're giving in the character like how you are giving yourself a goal give it emotion,reason and meaning so the story would be interesting and entertaining. And I'm sorry if you are offended but I don't mean anything bad😔 I just like it when the story has meaning not some other novel where the author will just give some super cheat and harem into the mc without a reason or meaning and I find those novel disappointing so I'm sorry
Well, the premise and writing in this first chapter are great. From what I see from the title it will be a Refinement and Poison Path Venerable, which will be interesting since Poison path seems to be a strong path but quite unexplored And the author seems to be reaposansave already having chapters written in advance, something I continue to fail to do😅 And lastly he told me that he got some inspiration from my own fanfic so this one has to be good right😑