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64% Reincarnated in Star Wars The System / Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

As the troops scattered away from the door, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stepped forward while discarding their long robes.

"We'll handle this," Qui-Gon yelled at Padmé, as she leads her troops in the other direction that still lead to the palace.

Cain after some thought decided that he was much more needed with the Jedi than with Padmé. So after forcing himself to calm down, Cain stepped forward and stood beside Obi-Wan.

"What are you doing? Leave, he's too strong for you." Obi-Wan ordered.

"I'm right where I need to be," Cain said stubbornly while raising his pistols at Darth Mail.

Obi-Wan could only shake his head, as they didn't have the luxury of time to argue.

Igniting their blades Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan prepared to attack Darth Maul as he too discarded his robe and unleashed his double-bladed saber.

Rushing forward Obi-Wan swung his saber while leaping over Maul. His strike was easily blocked by Maul, and they swiftly engaged in deadly close combat. Qui-Gon quickly assisted with a series of strikes and slashes, but they too were redirected by Maul.

The Sith Lord continued to acrobatically leap over the Jedi's strikes while still being on the offensive as they lead the fight to the middle of the hanger.

Cain was about to join in on the fight but had to dodge some unexpected blaster fire from a droidekas that had Padmé and her troops trapped.

Turning his attention away from the lightsaber fight, Cain looked for a way to eliminate the three force-field covered droids as blaster don't work on them.

Looking above where the droids where positioned Cain could see a loose power cell that only needs a nudge to fall.

Focusing on the large power cell, Cain jerked his hand downwards and dropped it straight on two droidekas. The droids shield couldn't block the power cell from hitting them, and as a result, the droids were squished into the ground.

[2x Droidekas defeated(+50)]

Happy that he got the droids, Cain realized that there was still one left. He was about to take care of it but Anakin beat him to the punch, as he used the Naboo spaceship gun's to obliterate the droid.

Now that the droids were destroyed and Padmé could leave the hanger, Cain turned back to see how Obi-wan and Qui-Gon were faring against Darth Maul.

Darth Maul seemed to be a much better swordsman than both Jedi's initial thought, as they getting their asses handed to them.

While still leaping over the Jedi's strikes, Maul began to return his own attacks. Leaping into the air he kicked Qui-Gon in the face while swiping at Obi-Wan causing him to stumble back.

Without thinking of the consequences, Cain began to unleash a barrage of blaster bolts at Maul even though he knew they were useless.

Twirling his double-bladed, Darth Maul deflected all of Cain's shots without much effort. He then bared his blacken teeth at him and was about to attack him but was interrupted by Obi-Wan.

Finally recovering, Obi-Wan attacked again and was soon joined by Qui-Gon. As the Jedi fought against the Sith Lord they slowly backed Maul against the closed door, with the much-needed assistance from Cain's gunfire.

But just as they thought Maul was cornered, they were completely unprepared for him to force the door open by telekinetically throwing a broken droid against the control panel.

Short-circuiting the panel made the hanger doors open completely, allowing Maul to flip back and give himself some more space.

Taking the lead on the attack, Qui-Gon ran forward and engaged Maul while Obi-Wan supported from behind.

While they fought, Cain suddenly realized that they were moving towards a series of bridges that were suspended over a gigantic pit that transferred energy from the planet's core to the surface.

Not wanting to drop that far down, Cain quickly grabbed his jet pack from his inventory and strapped it on. He then ran towards the fighting Jedi and fired at Maul.

Forced to backflip onto another platform, Darth Maul twirled his blade and growled at his opponents.

Jumping together, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon ran after Maul as he continued to leap from different platforms while attacking the Jedi.

Just as Cain was about to follow after the leaping warriors, Maul suddenly kicked Obi-Wan off a platform causing him to fall.

Rushing after the falling Padawan, Cain threw out his hands and used the Force to completely stop Obi-Wan from hitting the ground. And with great effort, he pushed Obi-Wan back up the platform, to where Maul and Qui-Gon were still fighting.

Although surprised by what just happened, Obi-Wan focused on attacking as he sailed through the air.

Striking the unprepared Sith Lord, Obi-Wan kicked Maul off the platform, causing him to fall rapidly.

Seeing that Maul was falling, Cain used this as a chance to kill him. He quickly fired off several rounds of the laser at the helpless Sith Lord.

But in a show of great reflexes, Maul somehow maneuvered midair and dodged most of the laser, but was still hit by a lucky blaster bolt.

Once he landed on the lower platform, Maul growled while grasping at his injured shoulder and quickly reached for his fallen lightsaber as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan leaped down from above.

As the Jedi continued to push Maul backward they soon came to an entryway that kept activating and deactivating force fields automatically. Just as they were about to overpower Maul, the Sith Lord suddenly screamed as he Force pushed Obi-Wan.

Flying through the air while sliding across the platform, Obi-Wan was thrown a distance away from the battle.

With only Qui-Gon fighting Maul as they moved towards the force field hallway, Cain immediately broke out into a sprint. Running into hallway Cain was forced to stop short as the force field activated.

Separated by only one space, Cain looked to see that Qui-Gon and Maul were forced to stop fighting as they too were separated. Watching each other through the red energy wall, Darth Maul began to pace while Qui-Gon started to meditate.

Knowing that Qui-Gon's death was soon approaching, Cain knew that he had to intervene somehow.

So with a horrible plan in mind, Cain holstered pistols and grabbed the lightsaber from behind his back.

Weighing the hilt in his hand Cain followed the example of Qui-Gon and began meditating to clear his mind. Cain's only action was to calmly sense his surroundings and cleared his mind of all thoughts.

Getting rid of all distractions. Getting rid of all thoughts. Letting go of everything that held him back. He was free.

Then in a flash, Cain activated his lightsaber and shot forward.

The force field gave way as Qui-Gon and Maul began to trade a series of high speed blows. As they circled the large pot, Maul unexpectedly hit Qui-Gon in the face with the hilt of his lightsaber.

Dazed from the attack, Qui-Gon was completely left at the mercy of the Sith Lord.

But just as Darth Maul was about to finish off the Jedi Master, he had to change course to block an attack.

Jumping in the air Cain struck down on Maul, stopping him from killing Qui-Gon.

Engaging Maul in a lightsaber battle, Cain could tell that the Sith Lord was practically playing with him, as he easily batted away all of his attempted attacks.

Ducking under a ferocious strike Cain suddenly found himself with the other end of Maul's blade coming towards his face.

He couldn't even react as the blade came to decapitate him, but he was saved when a blue lightsaber interrupted the strike midway.

Pushing Maul back, Obi-Wan fought ferociously with a new sense of vigor. Obi-Wan repeatedly attacked Maul's defense and after one particularly heavy strike, Maul's defense flattered.

Dropping his arm that was injured from before gave Obi-Wan the perfect opportunity to strike. With a low strike, Obi-Wan brought his saber up and completely severed Maul's right arm.

Letting out a deranged scream, Maul threw out a Force blast that sent Obi-Wan speeding towards the wall and pushed Cain into the seemingly bottomless pit.

"Nooo!" Obi-Wan yelled as he watched Cain fall into the pit.

Rushing forward Obi-Wan fought the one-armed Sith Lord and was suddenly joined by the now recovered Qui-Gon. As they quickly overpowered Maul, the Jedi stared off at bleeding Sith as the pit was behind his back.

Desperate, Darth Maul prepared to attacked like a desperate injured animal.

Raising his lightsaber in the air Maul began to scream, but then suddenly stopped. Feeling strange, Maul looked down to see a black lightsaber sticking out of his chest.

Staring at the blade in disbelief, Maul slowly dropped his blade as he turned his head to look at his attacker.

Behind him, flying in the air, was Cain with his lightsaber rammed right into Maul's back.

Maul choked on the blood rushing to his lungs as he fell to his knees, while desperately trying to keep himself up after Cain removed the lightsaber from his chest.

Cain slowly landed back on the ground and looked down at the fallen Sith Lord. Seeing the begging eyes of Darth Maul, Cain felt absolutely voided of all emotions and knew exactly what he had to do.

So with a flourish of his blade, Cain decapitated Darth Maul, thus making sure he couldn't possibly come back this time.

As he stared at the corpse of the monster he just murdered, Cain felt equally accomplished and disgusted by what he had just done.

Slowly as every finally caught up to him, Cain felt too tired to really process what was happening anymore. He slowly deactivated his lightsaber and picked up Maul's fallen lightsaber. Grasping both blades in his hands, Cain turned around to see the two shocked faces of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

"I-I did it. I killed him" Cain mumbled softly as he took a step forward and fell forwards as everything went dark.

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