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68% Reincarnated in Star Wars The System / Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Slowly opening his eyes, Cain had to cover them as the light seemed almost blinding to look at. He waited a few seconds to readjust to the light and then sat up to see where he was.

Looking at the surrounding area Cain noticed that he was in the infirmary inside of the palace. Sliding out from the bed Cain suddenly realized that he was holding something in his hands.

Gripped tightly in his palms were his own lightsaber and the one he took from Maul. Observing the long metal hilt with interest, Cain slowly placed it inside his inventory to study it at a later time.

While slowly standing up from the bed, Cain saw that his armor and jet-pack were placed down on the ground next to him. As he walked towards the exit, Cain attached his lightsaber to his back and put his armor and jet-pack in his inventory. Then he went to go find out what happened while he was unconscious.

Just as he was about to leave, he was suddenly hit by a stream of notifications.

[1x Sith Lord Defeated(+5,000)]

[Quest Completed-Preserving the Life of Qui-Gon Jinn] Difficulty:(C)]

[Reward: 2,000 Exp, 5,000 System points, Lightsaber Form IV(Ataro), Random Holocron]

[Level Up: x2]

[Force Level Upgrade: Jedi Knight]

[Upgrade Form I: Shii-Cho (100%)]

[Skill Upgrade: Jet-Pack Mastery(B)]

Trying to process everything in front of him, Cain skimmed through the information and was overjoyed that he finished the quest. While observing the rewards Cain saw that his Force level upgraded and he leveled up twice.

Checking through the rest of the notifications, Cain looked in his inventory and saw the Holocron he got from the quest. Just as he was about to pull the Holocron from his inventory, a voice suddenly echoed through the infirmary.

"Cain! You're awake, I thought you were space dust there for a second."

Turning his head around, Cain looked to see Captain Panaka moving towards him with a smile on his face.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Cain questioned the smiling Captain.

"The Jedi dragged you here after you passed out. They said you were injured while fighting that cloaked guy." Panaka explained as he grasped Cain's shoulder and led him out of the infirmary.

"So what happened? Is everyone ok?" Cain asked Panaka as he seemed weirdly joyful.

"It worked out perfectly. After capturing the Viceroy, Padmé handed him over to Chancellor Palpatine and the Senate. And you'll never guess who destroyed the control ship. It was that little boy you found on Tatooine, he flew straight into the place and blew it to high hell. Every single droid on the planet was deactivated, so we had free reign to completely kick out all traces of the Trade Federation on Naboo." Panaka finish as he began to practically skip down the hallway.

"How long have I been out?" Cain asked in disbelief that he missed so much.

"It's only been a day, but our home has been revived," Panaka announced as he opened a door that lead outside.

Blinded by the sun for a few seconds, Cain opened his eyes to see thousands of people happily cheering as a group of Gungans marched proudly through the streets.

Walking behind the cheering crowd, Captain Panaka lead Cain to the top stairs where Padmé stood watching the parade with a smile on her face.

Moving behind Padmé with Captain Panaka, Cain looked around and was surprised by everyone attending the parade. Cain could see that Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Shmi, and Sabé we're also on the stairs together watching the parade.

And it seemed like the entire Jedi Council and Palpatine were here too.

Watching the council with interest, Cain was shocked when he saw Yoda staring straight at him. He locked eyes with the small grandmaster before breaking eye contact and turning back towards the parade.

Cain only looked the Jedi Master in the eyes for a few seconds, but he could tell that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan must have told that it was he who killed Maul. And they most likely already know he is Force-Sensitive too, so if the Council knows then Palpatine probably knows too.

'Shit.' Cain thought mentally.

Although he was prepared for the Jedi Council to find out at some point, Cain had hoped that Palpatine wouldn't know until he was at least strong enough to fully protect himself.

Letting out a sigh, Cain decided that nothing could be done and it was bound to happen anyway.

Turning back towards the crowd, Cain could see the Boss Nass and Jar-Jar were slowly making their way up the stairs towards Padmé.

Moving forward too, Padmé grabbed some type of bright glowing orb and presented to Boss Nass. Grabbing the orb from the Padmé, Boss Nass turned towards the people of Naboo and raised it in the air.

"PEACE!" Boss Nass exclaimed as the Gungans and the Naboo cheered loudly with joy.

[Secret Quest Completed- Saving the Naboo] Difficultly: (C)]

[Rewards: 2,000 Exp, 5,000 System Points, Craft Function Unlocked]

Watching the thousands of people cheer, Cain gladly accepted the rewards for the secret mission with a smile. As the cheering continued Cain decided to slip away from the parade.

After walking for a while, Cain found an empty courtyard that was voided of all people. He let out a large sigh of relief and walked forward, but slammed into something.

Grabbing his head in pain while on the ground, Cain looked to see absolutely nothing there. He stood up and cautiously groped the air. Cain felt silly and was about to give up until his hands finally touched something solid.

Feeling cold metal beneath his hands, Cain was startled when a ship suddenly appeared.

From thin air, a heavily modified black Star Courier with six heavy cannons appeared. The courier had a spherical cockpit and seemed to have a cloaking device installed in it.

Observing such a cool ship, Cain realized that it must have been Darth Maul's. He quickly searched the ship for an entrance, but couldn't find it.

Resorting to using the Force, Cain sensed the inside of the ship and then telekinetically forced the door open.

Walking into the surprisingly spacious ship he soon found what seemed to be Maul's sleeping quarters. The room was empty and voided of all items, except a small object.

Walking towards the small object, it suddenly begin to glow a bright red. Cain quickly realized that it was a Sith Holocron.

Feeling almost too lucky today, Cain stashed the Holocron away and began to explore the rest of the ship.

There wasn't much else on the ship so Cain finally entered the cockpit. The spherical cockpit was placed so it had a surrounding view of every angle. As Cain sat down a notification suddenly popped up.

[Current Vessel Unclaimed: Would you like to Claim Ownership?]


Although surprised by this Cain still pressed yes, and waited.

[Scimitar: Star Cruiser(Infiltrator)Claimed]

[Claimed Vehicles can be placed inside Inventory]

Excited by the fact that he had his own spaceship, Cain suddenly realized that this ship wasn't just Maul's, but also Palpatine's.

Since Darth Maul was Palpatine's assassin/apprentice, he probably had a tracking device built inside of it.

Thinking of what to do, Cain remembered that he had finally unlocked the Craft Function. Opening up the system, he pressed on Craft.

[Craft Functions Available: (Modify)|(Construct)|(Deconstruct)|(Blueprint)]

Looking at the options Cain pressed Modify and tapped on the Scimitar.

[(Scimitar)-Capabilities: Laser Cannons(6x), Proton Torpedo Launcher(2x), Minelayer, Cloaking Device, Hyperspace Tracker, Hyperdrive]

[Current Additions: Tracking Device, Remote Thermal Detonator]

Looking through the capabilities of the ship, Cain realized that his hunch was right and there was a tracking device on the ship, but what he didn't guess was that there was a bomb.

After some thought, Cain figured that the bomb was probably Palpatine's insurance if Maul ever went rogue, or tried to betray him.

[(Interior Modification)|(Exterior Modification)]

Pressing on the interior modifications option, Cain was shown a 3D model of the ship and a list of current modifications that he could do for a certain amount of system points.

Before starting, Cain walked out of the ship and then began modifications. Firstly he removed the tracking device and bomb for only 20 system points.

With the bombs and tracer gone, Cain looked to see if there were any more options worth buying.

[High Density Particle Shield(1,500 SP), Small Ion Cannon(1,000 SP)]

Finding these two options the best, for now, Cain quickly purchased both of the modifications and went to make one more change.

If he was going to own this ship, Cain wanted it to be completely unrecognizable to anyone that already seen it with Maul.

For another 1,000 System Points, Cain changed the exterior of the ship completely.

Lengthening the ship, Cain made it larger and have more space on the inside. The cannons were more spread out and the wings were loaded with torpedo launchers. He changed the color of the ship to a white accented with red markings all around its hull.

With all the modifications complete, Cain stepped back to stare at his new ship. And was completely amazed by the newly constructed masterpiece that stood in front of him.

With the construction of the ship finished, Cain placed it in his inventory so that no one else could find it. He watched the spaceship disappear and then made his way back towards the palace.

As Cain made his way towards the palace he saw that the parade was still raging on. Stepping past the cheerful people, Cain was about to walk forward but was stopped by someone completely unexpected.

"Speak with you, I must," Yoda said as he blocked Cain's path.

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