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60% Reincarnated in Star Wars The System / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Walking off the ship and towards the lake where the Gungans reside, Cain saw as everyone prepared to go into battle.

"Mesa goes checka on da city," Jar-Jar said as he dived into the profound waters of the lake.

Watching Jar-Jar swim farther into the lake, Cain began to double-check his weapons while sitting on a stump.

Looking around Cain could see the other guards preparing for battle, while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan seemed to be having a little one on one emotional chat with each other.

After a few minutes, Jar-Jar finally exited the swampy lake and walked towards the group.

"Dare-sa nobody dares. All gone. Some kinda fight, I tink. Sorry, no Gungas." Jar-Jar said sadly.

"Do you think they have been taken to camps?" Captain Panaka questioned.

"Or dead," Obi-Wan added.

"No...mesa no tink so. Gungan hidden. When in trouble, go to a sacred place. Droids no find them dare." Jar-Jar announced with absolute certainty.

"Do you know where they are?" Qui-Gon questioned the Gungan.

Nodding his head quickly, Jar-Jar motioned for the group to follow him as he began to walk through the swamp. Standing up from the stump, Cain followed the rest of the group as they went deeper into Naboo's swamp.

"Dissen it." Jar-Jar suddenly said as he sniffed the air.

Already sensing the hidden Gungans, Cain put away his weapons and waited. Suddenly, out of nowhere, seven Gungan warriors riding on kaadus emerged from the brush.

"Heyo-dalee, Captain Tarpals!" Jar-Jar exclaimed as he recognized the lead warrior.

"Binks!! Not again!" The Gungan cried out as soon as he saw the disaster that called himself Jar-Jar Binks.

"We comen to see da boss," Jar-Jar said as he pointed to the group following him.

Captain Tarpals rolled his eyes and motioned for them to follow him and the rest of the soldiers.

Following the soldiers, they were soon lead to a clearing filled with Gungans refugees and a large temple that was half-submerged in water.

"Jar-Jar, yousa payen dis time. Who're da others?" Asked the Boss Nass, the frog-like alien that lead the Gungan's.

Queen Amidala stepped forward, as Captain Panaka and Cain stood close behind her.

"I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo...I come before you in peace. We wish to form an alliance..." The Queen said sincerely, but Boss Nass seemed apathetic to her begging.

Seeing this Padmé suddenly interrupted the 'Queen's' speech and stepped forward, much to the shock of everyone else.

"Your Honor..." Padmé said as she stepped forward.

"Whosa dis?" Boss Nass asked in confusion.

"I am Queen Amidala. This is my decoy, my protection, my loyal bodyguard." Padmé announced while pointing at Sabé, her decoy.

When Padmé revealed this 'secret', Cain could see that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon shared a knowing look while Anakin and Shmi seemed completely surprised by this revelation.

"....Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace...until now. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. You are in hiding, my people are in camps. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever...I ask you to help, I beg you to help us." Padmé dropped to her knees and prostrated herself before Boss Nass

Slowly, everyone including the Jedi bowed down to Boss Nass, begging for his help. Cain begrudging bowed too, as they needed the Gungan's help if they were going to free Naboo.

"Yousa no tinken you greater den da Gungans. Mesa likes this. Maybe wesa bein friends." Boss Ness said while laughing.

Overjoyed that Boss Ness agreed to help them, Padmé quickly ordered her guards to get the rest of their troops and supplies from the ship.

Beginning to speak with the Gungan generals, Padmé, the Jedi, Captain Panaka, and Cain started to discuss a battle plan.

"The battle is a diversion. The Gungans must draw the Droid Army away from the cities. We can enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side. Once we get to the main entrance, Captain Panaka will create a diversion, so that we can enter the palace and capture the Viceroy. Without the Viceroy, they will be lost and confused." Padmé explained while drawing out her plan on a holoscreen.

"The Viceroy will be well guarded," Qui-Gon added but was very impressed by Padmé's plan to storm the palace.

"Once we're inside, we shouldn't have a problem. But there will be casualties for the Gungans." Cain explained as he observed the entirety of the plan laid out before them.

"Wesa ready to do are-a part." Boss Ness said while beating his chest proudly.

"We have a plan which should immobilize the Droid Army. We will send what pilots we have to knock out the Droid control ship and their droids will be helpless." Padmé finished.

"If the Viceroy escapes, Your Highness, he will return with another droid army," Qui-Gon noted.

"That is why we must not fail to get to the Viceroy. Everything depends on it." Padmé declared dramatically.

As the Gungans deployed their troops to fight the droid army. Cain along with Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Shmi, Artoo, and Padmé stealthily made their way towards the entrance of the main hanger.

The entrance was guarded by a squad of battle droids and a group of tanks, that had every corner covered.

They were also being followed by a few of the Queen's guard. The rest, lead by Captain Panaka, was on the other side of the plaza waiting for their signal to start the attack.

As they approach the droids, Cain pulled out a red light to signal Captain Panaka to begin the attack.

"Once we get inside, I want you both to find a safe place to hide and stay there," Qui-Gon order Anakin and Shmi for their own safety.

"Sure." Anakin agreed immediately.

"I can handle myself. I survived on Tatooine long enough to know how to handle a blaster." Shmi said while twirling a blaster she miraculously acquired.

"Well, alright then," Qui-Gon replied while blinking, clearly surprised by Shmi's confidence.

"Let's go," Padmé ordered, just as Captain Panaka and his troops opened fire on the droids.

Bursting into flames, the tanks manned by droids exploded from the troop's first round of heavy fire. Reacting to the attack the droids quickly scrambled to kill whoever just bombed them. As the Naboo soldiers begin to fire back at the battle droids, Padmé led the group into the main hanger.

Igniting their lightsabers, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan deflected any stray blaster fire and redirected it back at the droids.

Following suit, Cain pulled out his pistols and covered the group as they ran into the hanger.

Smirking from excitement, Cain beginning nailing every battle droid straight through their metal heads while being extra glad that he upgraded his shooting skill. After taking out another battle droid, Cain saw that the Naboo troops were being overpowered.

He could see that the battle droids were laying down heavy blaster fire on the Naboo troops, and were closing in on their position.

Seeing Captain Panaka's and his troop's predicament, Cain with a little help of the Force threw 3 thermal grenades into the center of the droid squadron and underneath one of their tanks.

Seeing the metal grenades land in the center of their group, one of the droids looked down as the bombs began to beep rapidly.

"Uh Oh." The battle droid muttered as it's entire squad was blown to bits.

"Score!" Cain exclaimed as he followed after the rest of the group into the hanger.

[15x Battle Droids defeated(+150)]

[1x Assault Tank(+50)]

Finding more droids in the hanger Cain, alongside Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon took the point position. Firing and dodging all of the droid's blaster fire, Cain got into a rhythm of dodging the droids predictable shots with the help of his Precognition skill.

"Get to the ships," Padmé ordered her troops as they found the empty spaceships.

As the troops got into their ships, Cain saw that Qui-Gon had ordered Anakin to find cover. As he was running to find cover, a battle droid noticed him and fired.

Seeing the blaster bolt heading towards Anakin's head in almost slow motion, Cain threw out his hand and willed the laser to stop.

Freezing midair the red blaster bolt froze only inches away from Anakin, while it vibrated uncontrollably even when frozen.

Shocked by this, Anakin could only stare at the laser in shock, realizing just how close to death he almost came.

Seeing Anakin was still in shock, Cain could feel himself slowly losing control of the blaster bolt.

Telekinetically pushing Anakin to the ground, Cain saved him just as the bolt finally unfrozen and struck where his head was only second ago.

Turning his attention back to the fight Cain found that most of the droids were already taken care of and were about to be overwhelmed.

Firing at the last of the droids, Cain watched as the pilots flew out of the hanger and towards the droid control ship that was orbiting Naboo.

After blasting the last droid through its power core, Cain kicked the piece of scrap metal to the side and awaited Padmé's next orders.

[7x Battle Droids defeated(+70)]

They were soon joined by Captain Panaka and his remaining troops as they finished the battle outside.

"My guess is the Viceroy is in the throne room," Padmé announced as she lead her troops to the hangers exit, and into the palace.

The group made their way to the exit, on the way they passed the fighter that Anakin and Artoo had hidden inside during the battle.

"Hey! Wait for me." Anakin exclaimed from inside the ship.

"No, Annie, you stay there. Stay right where you are." Qui-Gon ordered as he continued to walk.

"But, I..." Anakin tried to reply but was interrupted.

"Stay," Shmi said strictly, as she wiped away the sweat from her forehead and followed the rest of the group.

Cain could only shake his head in disbelief. Although he knew that Anakin was a natural-born fighter, Cain was surprised to see how well Shmi could handle a blaster.

After gathering the rest of the troops, Cain followed Qui-Gon and Padmé to the exit but stopped short suddenly.

Sensing a cold and dark presence, Cain quickly expanded his senses around the hanger. He soon found the dark presence nearby and realized exactly who it was.

Sliding open slowly the large metal doors revealed a dark figure standing by himself.

Cloaked in a dark black robe, the figure slowly looked up to reveal it's sinister yellow eyes and red and black tattooed face. Darth Maul had finally arrived on Naboo.


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