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52.94% ONE PIECE : King of Heroes / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - New Year and Kuina accident

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - New Year and Kuina accident

After months of enduring painful defeats, the new year arrives with a different vibe. As I see the calendar change, I cannot contain the overwhelming feeling of gratitude that floods my heart. The new year signifies more than just a change in dates; it is evidence of how far I have come on my journey to become stronger, learning the art of swordsmanship has led me to an extraordinary life.

I remember the early days in the dojo, where every day felt like an endless battle. I would rise early, train my body to exhaustion, and fight hard to master the art of the sword. The desire to be the best burned within me, but defeat after defeat started to dim that fire.

However, amidst the darkness of despair, a small light began to grow. Kuina, with her smile and words of support, helped lift me from the slump that had led me to the brink of despair. She saw potential in me that I myself had not realized.

Slowly, Kuina became more than just a training partner. She became a true friend who understood me well. When I felt tired and broken, she was always by my side, providing the push I needed. She not only paid attention to my sword skills but also to my well-being as an individual.

In every battle, I tried to face defeat with my head held high. I tried to learn from every failure, but it was not easy. It felt like every time I thought I had grasped a new technique, another challenge would come and show me how much further I still had to go.

Yet, there was one figure who was always around me, unhesitatingly offering a shoulder to pour out my frustration and disappointment. Zoro, with his stubborn nature, was someone who knew what it felt like to fall repeatedly but rise again. He saw potential in me, and with him, I found the spirit to never give up.

Not just Kuina and Zoro, but also the friends in the dojo who gave me support and strength. They understood my struggle because they too had experienced failure and difficulties. Together, we uplifted and helped each other grow into better swordsmen.

Now, as we stand in the middle of the dojo on New Year's Eve, I see smiles on the faces of my friends. There is a glimmer of hope in their eyes, and it inspires me. I am grateful for the friendship we have built together. They are my new family, connected by shared determination and dreams.

As the fireworks illuminate the sky, I know this journey is not easy. There will be new challenges waiting ahead, and I may fall again. But I am not afraid because now I know I am not alone. With Kuina, Zoro, and the other dojo friends, we will continue to move forward, fight, and reach our dreams together.

Months pass quickly since that New Year's Eve. Each day in the dojo brings new challenges, surprises, and progress. I continue to train with enthusiasm, striving to sharpen my sword skills and improve my body coordination.

However, as time goes by, anxiety starts to creep into my mind. As Kuina's 11th birthday approaches, worries grow in my heart. I keep a close watch on Kuina with my Kenbunshoku Haki, trying to protect her from any potential danger.

Whenever Kuina trains alone, I am always nearby, observing her every move carefully. I want to protect her, not just as a friend but also as someone who feels more than that.

But as her birthday draws closer, my uneasiness intensifies. I worry if I have done enough to protect her. My mind is filled with various worst-case scenarios that could happen on her special day. I fear that danger lurks in unexpected corners.

Yet, despite the haunting worries, I also realized that Kuina was a resilient swordsman. She had shown her own abilities and had an extraordinary spirit. However, that didn't alleviate my concerns.

Finally, the awaited day arrived, Kuina's birthday on September 17, 1511. I gave her a special gift, a beautiful blue hairpin it took a lot of effort to make even with the help of a blacksmith.

After Kuina's birthday celebration, the never-ending anxiety still consumed me. Although I had advised her to be cautious when climbing to high places, I remained vigilant of her every move. Every time she showed an interest in adventures or risky activities, my heart raced.

Even though Kuina was mature and sensible, she was still an 11-year-old girl. Sometimes, she disregarded my warnings and continued to pursue her desire to become stronger in swordsmanship. It felt as if the responsibility I placed on my shoulders became heavier. I was trapped in an endless cycle of anxiety, afraid of losing someone who meant so much to me.

Every day, I continued to monitor Kuina using Kenbunshoku Haki. I tried to look ahead, sensing any potential dangers that could threaten her. But even though I wanted to protect her from all possible harm, I realized that I couldn't completely restrict her from living her life with passion and courage.

Days passed with the persistent feeling of worry haunting me. At every moment, I closely observed Kuina's every move with my Kenbunshoku Haki, trying to shield her from potential dangers. The anxiety and restlessness permeated my soul, keeping me on high alert and afraid of losing someone who meant so much to me.

However, fate decided to present a trial even more challenging than I had ever imagined. It was November, and the sky looked gloomy while a cold wind blew. Kuina suddenly realized that she had left something important on the roof of the dojo. In her eagerness to retrieve it, she climbed the stairs with her usual steps, unaware of the great crisis that would befall her.

I realized that this was a dangerous moment. I continued to monitor Kuina's every move with my Kenbunshoku Haki, trying to sense any impending danger. However, everything happened in an instant. Her foot slipped on the last step, and time seemed to slow down. Those seconds felt like an eternity, and with a pounding heart, I witnessed the event, every muscle in my body tense.

My reflexes immediately kicked in. I emerged from my hiding place with lightning speed, running with all my might to reach Kuina before it was too late. My heart and mind were filled with a single purpose: to save her, to rescue her. Those words kept repeating rapidly in my mind, echoing in my anxious heart.

But something unexpected happened. In a state of instinct and panic, I leaped with all my strength, hoping that my five-year-old body could bear the impact of Kuina's fall. My small body felt the force of the impact as I tried to break her fall. Pain coursed through my body, as if every fiber within me was being crushed by an unimaginable burden. But in that moment, the pain became inconsequential, buried amidst greater worries and concerns.

As I felt her body come crashing down onto me, a sense of relief and reassurance instantly washed over my heart. Although I was injured, seeing her safe was an invaluable gift to me. My small body became a shield protecting Kuina's life, a sacrifice that left me with a mix of emotions.

As I struggled to maintain consciousness, I saw Kuina beside me. Her face filled with panic and regret, and I could sense the weight of guilt she carried. However, I shook my head weakly. It wasn't her fault, but rather the unforeseen circumstances that had led to this, whether it was destiny or something else, pondered in my mind.

After Kuina survived the accident that befell her, she felt the deep tremors of the event. Her face turned pale, her body trembled, and her eyes reflected the terrifying ordeal she had just experienced. She fell silent, lost for words, and her face exuded profound confusion and worry.

I quickly tried to divert her attention with a bit of humor, hoping to lighten the emotional burden she was feeling. "Are you comfortable on top of me, miss?" I said in a light tone, hoping to break the silence and redirect her thoughts from the incident.

"What happened...?" murmured Kuina in a weak voice, her voice filled with disbelief and confusion. She looked around, trying to make sense of the situation that had just occurred. Her facial expression showed a mixture of fear, regret, and weakness.

I felt an immense burden within me because even though I had saved her, Kuina still had to face deep trauma. In the eerie silence, I tried to find the right words to console her.

"Hey, Kuina," I said softly, trying to calm her restless heart. "You're safe. I'm here with you, well, beneath you, to be exact."

However, Kuina was still trapped in her own anxiety and fear. She felt a paralyzing weakness, trapped in the memory of the terrifying incident that had almost claimed her life. Every time she closed her eyes, the image of her falling and the feeling of helplessness she experienced at that moment haunted her.

I understood that the healing process would take time. After a moment, Kuina finally realized how awkward her position was. With deep shame and regret, she climbed down from my body and sat next to me.

Both of us sat in heavy silence. I could see how shaken Kuina was by the accident she had just experienced. Her eyes were filled with unspoken guilt and regret. As for me, although I still felt pain and weakness from the incident, my heart was filled with immense care and concern for Kuina.

She pondered for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts that were still swaying from the terrifying event. Then, with a voice filled with vulnerability, she finally uttered the words that had long been buried in her heart.

"I'm sorry," she whispered softly, her voice filled with regret and vulnerability. "I was so foolish to cause such a terrifying accident. I almost lost my life, and it's all my fault."

I listened to her with a broken heart. I wanted to alleviate all the burdens she felt and give her the strength to continue her life. I wanted to tell her that there was nothing she needed to apologize for, that the accident was not her fault. But I realized that words were just words; what mattered most was providing support and being present by her side.

With gentleness, I embraced Kuina. I wanted her to feel that she was not alone in her struggles. I wanted her to know that I would always be there for her, no matter how difficult and challenging the path ahead may be.

We sat side by side in meaningful silence. Tears began to flow down Kuina's cheeks, indicating a sense of relief and overflowing emotions within her. I allowed her to cry, knowing that tears were a way to cleanse a wounded heart.

As her tears subsided, Kuina looked at me with gratitude and warmth. She knew that we had gone through a life-changing moment, and our bond of friendship had become stronger and deeper.

"I'm grateful, Coby," she whispered in a barely audible voice. "You saved my life."

I smiled, feeling moved by her words. Our hearts were connected, and we knew that our story would not end here. We would continue walking together, facing all the obstacles and

joys that life offers.

We sat side by side, holding each other tightly, while the sun slowly set on the western horizon. In the darkness, we found light in each other's presence and strength.

- - - - (I didn't realize when I wrote this chapter it would be so long, every time I wrote the newest chapter I really enjoyed and unknowingly already wrote all this, I don't know if you guys like this long chapter)

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