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22.22% Omnitrix Ascendant / Chapter 8: Chapter 7 : Journey to Tallian

Chapter 8: Chapter 7 : Journey to Tallian

Chapter 7: Journey to Tallian

Alan left Buena Village with a renewed sense of purpose, his next goal clear in his mind: reaching the city of Tallian. It was a well-known city, bustling with opportunities, and he estimated it would take him at least three days to get there. The path ahead involved crossing another forest, similar to the one he had just navigated, and he knew it would be both a challenge and an adventure.

As he walked, the forest loomed in the distance, its dense canopy casting long shadows over the path. The sun was high, and the air was fresh, filled with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. Alan's steps were steady, his eyes sharp and attentive to the surroundings.

After several hours of walking, he reached the edge of the forest. The trees were tall and thick, their branches intertwining to form a natural archway. Alan paused, taking in the sight before him. He knew he needed to hunt for food; the provisions he had were minimal, and fresh meat would sustain him far better on this journey.

He set down his bags and his sword near a large rock, ensuring they were well-hidden from any prying eyes or wandering creatures. His time in the forest had taught him the importance of securing his belongings. Satisfied with their concealment, he activated his Omnitrix and selected Wildmutt. In an instant, his form shifted, and he felt the familiar rush of power and heightened senses that came with the transformation.

Wildmutt's incredible sense of smell kicked in immediately, allowing Alan to track down potential prey with ease. He caught the scent of deer and rabbits not too far away and followed the trail through the underbrush. The hunt was quick; his agility and strength as Wildmutt made capturing the animals almost effortless.

Returning to the large rock where he had stored his belongings, Alan deactivated his Wildmutt form. The Omnitrix still had energy left, a fact that reassured him. He retrieved his bags and began preparing for his meal. He collected tree branches and kindling, using his survival skills to start a fire. It took only a few minutes before the flames were crackling warmly, their light and heat providing comfort in the deepening shadows of the forest.

Alan proceeded to skin the deer and rabbits. His technique was rudimentary, lacking the finesse of a professional hunter, but it was effective enough.

"I feel like I'm one of those guys in the discovery channel, this would have been a great YouTube channel worth of content. Too bad I don't have a system....."

He lost some of the meat in the process, but the majority was salvageable. Using the spices he had bought from Buena Village, he seasoned the meat and placed it over the fire to cook.

'Let's hope my instincts are correct and I won't burn the meat.....' Alan thought to himself.

As the aroma of roasting meat filled the air, Alan felt his stomach growl in anticipation. He hadn't eaten a proper meal since leaving the village, and the promise of a hearty feast lifted his spirits. The meat sizzled and browned, juices dripping into the fire and creating a tantalizing scent that made his mouth water.

Finally, the meat was cooked to perfection. Alan dug in, savoring each bite. The spices enhanced the flavor, and the meat was tender and juicy. He ate his fill, feeling a profound sense of satisfaction and contentment. It was a rare moment of peace and enjoyment in his otherwise tumultuous journey.

"It's not good as KFC but it's okay I guess"

With his hunger sated, Alan turned his attention to setting up a safe place to sleep for the night. The forest was vast and wild, and he knew better than to sleep on the ground where predators might roam. He searched for a suitable tree, one with large, sturdy branches that could support his weight.

After some time, he found the perfect tree. Its branches were thick and entwined, providing a natural platform. Alan used his enhanced physical abilities to climb up, gathering additional branches and leaves to create a makeshift bed. The process was laborious, but his strength and agility made it manageable.

"I feel like I'm a monkey, it's too easy to climb with this strength.... If had this power in my previous life, it would have been cool."

As night fell, the forest grew dark and quiet, the only sounds being the occasional hoot of an owl or the rustle of nocturnal creatures. Alan settled into his makeshift bed, the branches and leaves forming a surprisingly comfortable mattress. The height of the tree offered a sense of security, and he knew he would be safe from most ground-dwelling threats.

Lying back, Alan gazed up at the canopy of leaves above him. The stars peeked through the gaps, twinkling faintly. Despite the challenges and dangers of his journey, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had survived another day, and he was one step closer to his goal.

His thoughts drifted as he recalled the events of the day—the walk from Buena Village, the decision to hunt for food, the satisfaction of a well-earned meal. He wondered what the next days would bring, what challenges he might face in the forest, and how he would overcome them.

The night air was cool and refreshing, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves. Alan felt his eyelids grow heavy, the fatigue of the day catching up with him. He allowed himself to relax, knowing he had done everything he could to ensure his safety.

Sleep came swiftly, a deep and dreamless slumber. The forest around him remained peaceful, the distant sounds of wildlife blending into a soothing lullaby. Alan's body rested, recuperating from the day's exertions and preparing for the challenges of the morrow.

When dawn broke, Alan awoke to the soft light filtering through the leaves. He stretched, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from the previous day's exertions. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds chirping and the rustle of small animals going about their morning routines.

Climbing down from his makeshift bed, Alan felt a renewed sense of energy and determination. He had two more days to reach Tallian, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead. He packed up his belongings, making sure to retrieve the sword and his bags from their hiding place.

Before setting off, he extinguished the remnants of his fire, ensuring that no trace was left behind. The forest would return to its natural state, undisturbed by his presence. Alan took a deep breath, the crisp morning air filling his lungs, and set off on the next leg of his journey.

The path through the forest was winding and overgrown, but Alan navigated it with ease. His enhanced senses and physical abilities made the trek less daunting, and he moved with a confidence born of experience. The forest was a challenge, but one he felt more than capable of overcoming.

As he walked, his mind remained focused on his goal. Tallian was a city known for its opportunities and resources, a place where he could further his quest for power and knowledge. The journey might be long and arduous, but the rewards at the end were worth it.

Alan continued through the forest, his pace steady and determined. He knew that each step brought him closer to his destination, closer to the future he envisioned. The challenges ahead were unknown, but he was ready to face them, armed with the power of the Omnitrix and his unyielding resolve.

The first day of his journey had been successful, and he felt a sense of accomplishment. With two more days to go, Alan was prepared to face whatever the forest—and the world—might throw at him. His journey continued, driven by the promise of a brighter future and the strength within him to make it a reality.

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