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25% Omnitrix Ascendant / Chapter 9: Chapter 8 : The Encounter with Bandits

Chapter 9: Chapter 8 : The Encounter with Bandits

Chapter 8: The Encounter with Bandits

Alan continued his journey toward the city of Tallian with an unwavering determination. The sun had already begun its slow descent, casting long shadows through the dense forest. He walked briskly, covering great distances but taking breaks when necessary to conserve his energy. By early afternoon, he found a spot beneath a large tree and decided to rest. The canopy above provided a comforting shade, and the gentle rustling of leaves offered a momentary respite from his travels.

As he reclined against the tree trunk, the distant sound of horses' hooves thundering through the forest reached his ears. Alert, Alan sat up and peered through the foliage. Soon, he saw a group of three horse-drawn carriages speeding along the narrow forest path. Behind them, a group of about fifteen men on horseback was giving chase. Alan's sharp eyes quickly identified them as bandits.

'Oh my God the famous bandit encounter, so that means there are merchants or nobles in the carriage, it doesn't look like a nobles carriage....'

His mind raced. If these carriages were headed to Tallian, helping them could provide valuable connections in the city. The merchants within the carriages would be indebted to him, a strategic advantage he couldn't ignore.

Deciding to intervene, Alan unsheathed the long sword he had taken from the goblin camp.

"I'm the MC " Alan shouted.

The weight of the blade felt reassuring in his hand. He sprinted towards the carriages, his enhanced physical abilities allowing him to cover the distance swiftly. The driver of the leading carriage spotted him and his expression shifted to one of fear, mistaking Alan for another bandit.

But Alan had no time to explain. With a powerful leap, he jumped over the carriage and landed in the path of the oncoming bandits, his sword gleaming in the afternoon light. He decided against using the Omnitrix, choosing instead to rely on his own skills and strength.

The bandits were momentarily startled by his sudden appearance. Their hesitation gave Alan the moment he needed to assess their numbers and positions. There were fifteen of them, all armed with swords and daggers, and their faces twisted with malicious intent.

One of the bandits, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, barked an order. "Take him down!" he shouted, spurring his horse forward.

"F#CK YOU" Alan shouted.

'This is soo cool'

Alan's grip tightened on his sword as the first bandit charged at him. He sidestepped the oncoming horse, slashing upward with his blade. The bandit cried out in pain as Alan's sword sliced through his arm, sending him tumbling from his horse. Another bandit followed quickly, swinging a dagger. Alan parried the attack with a swift motion, then countered with a powerful thrust that caught the bandit in the chest, dropping him instantly.

"You guys really have nice Armors.... I will be taking that by the way."

The bandits, realizing Alan was a formidable opponent, circled around him, trying to attack from all sides. But Alan's enhanced reflexes and strength gave him the edge. He moved with precision and speed, blocking blows and striking with deadly accuracy. Each movement was calculated, every swing of his sword deliberate.

A bandit on his left aimed a slash at Alan's midsection. Alan deflected the blow with his sword and, with a fluid motion, delivered a lethal strike to the bandit's throat. Another attacker came from behind, attempting to catch him off guard. But Alan spun around, ducking low and sweeping his leg out to knock the bandit off balance. Before the man could recover, Alan's sword found its mark.

'Oh god I feel like I'm moving on my own instincts.... This must be real talent of the body.'

The battle was intense, the air filled with the clashing of steel and the cries of the wounded. Alan's mind was focused, his movements driven by instinct and training. Despite their numbers, the bandits were no match for his superior skills. One by one, they fell, their attacks growing more desperate as their ranks thinned.

The leader of the bandits, the scarred man, watched in disbelief as his men were systematically cut down. Anger and fear contorted his face. With a roar, he urged his horse forward, determined to take Alan down himself. He swung a heavy mace, aiming for Alan's head. Alan ducked under the swing and rolled to the side, coming up on his feet with his sword ready.

The leader turned his horse around for another pass, but Alan was quicker. He lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air. The blade cut deep into the bandit's side, and he slumped over, falling from his horse with a groan.

The last of the bandits, seeing their leader fall, tried to flee. But Alan was relentless. He chased them down, his sword flashing as he dispatched each one with ruthless efficiency. Within minutes, the forest path was littered with the bodies of the fallen bandits.

The merchants in the carriages had watched the entire battle in a mix of fear and awe. As the last bandit fell, they slowly brought their carriages to a halt, their eyes fixed on Alan. His black robe, now stained with blood, and the long sword in his hand made for a fearsome sight. Yet, they were profoundly grateful for his intervention.

Alan sheathed his sword and waited as the lead carriage approached him cautiously. The driver, a middle-aged man with a look of apprehension, brought the horses to a stop a few feet away. He climbed down, his eyes never leaving Alan.

'ohh it's just an old man.... I was expecting a hot milf damit' Alan was disappointed.

"Thank you," the driver said, his voice trembling slightly. "You saved us. Who are you?"

"My name is Alan," he replied, keeping his tone calm and measured. "I'm a hunter, passing through on my way to Tallian. I saw you were in trouble and decided to help."

The driver nodded, relief evident on his face. "We owe you our lives. Those bandits have been terrorizing these roads for months. Please, travel with us to Tallian. It's the least we can offer for your assistance."

Alan considered the offer. Traveling with the merchant caravan would provide him with safety in numbers and perhaps some useful connections once they reached Tallian.

He also could rest the whole way.

He nodded. "I'll travel with you. But let's move quickly. There might be more bandits nearby."

The merchants agreed, and soon the carriages were moving again, this time with Alan walking beside them. He kept his senses alert, scanning the forest for any signs of danger. The battle had been swift and brutal, but he knew the roads could be perilous, and it was best to remain vigilant.

As they traveled, Alan struck up a conversation with the driver of the lead carriage. His name was Thomas, a seasoned merchant who had been traveling these roads for years. Thomas introduced Alan to the other merchants, all of whom expressed their gratitude and offered him food and drink.

"These roads have become dangerous," Thomas said, shaking his head. "Bandits and thieves everywhere. It's not safe to travel alone anymore."

Alan nodded. "I've encountered my share of dangers. But I'm determined to reach Tallian. It's good to have allies on the road."

Thomas smiled. "And we are grateful to have you with us. Your skills are remarkable. Have you been a hunter for long?"

"A while," Alan replied, keeping his answers vague. He didn't want to reveal too much about his true nature or the Omnitrix. "I've learned to fend for myself in the wild."

The rest of the journey passed without incident, and as night began to fall, they set up camp by the roadside. Alan took the first watch, his eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of movement. The merchants slept soundly, reassured by his presence.

The next morning, they continued their journey, the road winding through the dense forest. By midday, they reached a clearing, and in the distance, the walls of Tallian came into view. The city was a welcome sight, its tall spires and bustling streets promising safety and opportunity.

As they approached the gates, Thomas turned to Alan. "We will be entering through the merchant's gate. It will be easier to get in that way. Once inside, you are welcome to join us at our guild hall. We can provide food, shelter, and introductions to some influential people in Tallian."

Alan nodded. "Thank you, Thomas. I appreciate your offer."

The guards at the gate recognized Thomas and his caravan, waving them through without much delay. Alan followed, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. Tallian was vibrant and alive, a stark contrast to the quiet forests and villages he had traversed.

Inside the city, the merchants guided their carriages through narrow streets, finally stopping in front of a large building with a sign that read "Merchant's Guild." Thomas dismounted and led Alan inside, where they were greeted by fellow merchants and guild members.

Thomas introduced Alan to the guild master, a portly man named Gregory, who listened intently as Thomas recounted the events of the previous day. Gregory extended a warm hand to Alan. "You have our deepest gratitude, Alan. Any friend of Thomas is a friend of the guild. Please, make yourself at home."

Alan thanked him and took a moment to absorb his surroundings. The guild hall was bustling with activity, merchants discussing deals, and workers loading and unloading goods. It was a hub of commerce and trade, and Alan knew it was the perfect place to start his journey in Tallian.

For now, he would rest and recuperate. The city held many opportunities, and with his new connections, Alan was confident that his journey was just beginning. He had proven himself in battle and earned the trust of the merchants, paving the way for new adventures and challenges in the days to come.

Hey guys hope you liked the story.

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