I got up early in the morning, the first thing I did was create some clones that would be posing as the girls at school, then I went to the kitchen.
Jennifer had already beaten me to it and even had breakfast ready. I wonder where she got the bread for the toast, she must have asked one of the girls.
Now that I'm going to hire a secretary, I might as well hire a couple of maids to take care of the entire apartment. I'll think about it a bit later.
"You got up early," I told Jennifer and then approached to kiss her. My pretty lawyer was only wearing my shirt with only the middle button on and no bra almost letting her very delicious breasts show completely.
This must be an intentional psychological attack. "Ok, someone is excited this morning, it's too bad you're grounded." It was what she told me when I started to caress her bottom. Now I'm sure all this has been intentional.
"I should go for a walk around the city."
"Did you say something?"
"No, nothing, I was just thinking about something." Thinking about how to change the subject I remembered something. "Now that I remember, you should make the document I asked you for last night, the girl could arrive at any moment."
"I already have them made. It was the first thing I did when I woke up. I'll finish with this juice and bring them to you."
"Don't worry. By the way, my other concubine hasn't gotten up yet?" Focusing, I realized that D'narda was still in her room.
When I looked back at Jennifer she seemed to want to beat the hell out of me. "Why that face?"
"Face? What face is Emperor talking about? This concubine does not understand that she is talking."
"Hahaha. I'll go wake her up."
I headed to the room where D'narda is, and Jennifer followed behind me. She too was amazed when she entered the room, D'narda was in the center of the bed lying on her back with her hands on her stomach. She was wearing a rather thin white nightgown giving it an angelic and seductive touch at the same time.
It looked like a scene out of a Snow White or Sleeping Beauty movie. I'm sure it's because of her sleeping in a coffin for so many years.
"Wow, I feel like I'm walking into a princess' bedroom. Maybe you should let her sleep a bit longer. It seems like a crime to wake her up."
I decided to ignore what Jennifer was telling me, but I understand what she is talking about. When I was close to her face I made a small cut on one of my fingers, dropped a few drops of blood on her lips, and brought my injured finger close to her nose.
The woman who looked like a princess only a few moments ago began to taste her lips and take a hand to one of her breasts and another to her crotch. The scene became increasingly erotic. "I didn't think blood had that effect on vampires."
"She doesn't, it's just that this cute redhead is a secret pervert. But you better wake her up already because I'm starting to get turned on too."
"I understand you." I could only look at Jennifer a little surprised. "Just wake her up, she watches what you make me say."
"Hey, I didn't do anything." I turned my attention to D'narda again. "Well, a princess wakes up with a kiss of love." Before Jennifer said anything I quickly kissed D'narda who for a few seconds began to reciprocate the kiss then he opened his eyes and saw my face, but he didn't reject me until he heard Jennifer.
"Okay, enough is enough."
D'narda quickly pushed me by the shoulders. "Idiot. What are you doing? Jennifer, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to me…"
"Please stop, I'm not mad, at least not at you. Jennifer came over to the bed. Did you like it?"
"What? No! What do you think? It's just that she took me by surprise." D'narda looked embarrassed.
"Don't worry, I saw that blood turned you on, so you weren't thinking straight." She sat up in bed and put a hand on D'narda's shoulder. "This idiot explained to me about your situation."
Right away I saw how D'narda looked confused, this will be funny.
"Situation? What situation are you talking about?" D'narda looked at Jennifer in confusion and at me suspiciously.
"A… as you already know, you get ex… turned on by drinking blood." She told him almost in a whisper.
"What are you talking about? I don't do that. Who told you such a thing?" Jennifer just looked at Aegon, now she was the confused one, but she could tell Aegon was holding back his laughter. D'narda noticed as well. "Aegon!" They both yelled at the same time. Just then the apartment doorbell rang.
She saved my bell. That must be Lorelei. "Looks like my guest has arrived, I'll go ahead and wait for you both to get dressed. Jennifer remembers to bring the papers the girl has to sign." With the same, I disappeared from the room.
I quickly went to my room and grabbed a t-shirt to cover my upper body and then went to open the door. "Good morning ladies, please come in."
I could tell that both girls were a bit nervous. "Good morning to you too sexy boy." Lisa was the first to greet them. "You flatter me, but only beautiful women like you deserve to be called sexy. That and my girlfriend will be mad if she listens to you."
"You have a girlfriend, what a shame." I have to admit that Lisa is quite lively now, too bad I don't have any interest in her.
"Hello." Now it was Lorelei's turn. "I hope she hasn't come too early."
"Not at all, besides I told you to come early after all. Now come on, let's go to the living room."
I lead both girls into the living room, Jennifer is still getting ready. "I just have drinks to give you, I haven't hired any employees yet, it was a bachelor apartment until recently."
"We are fine like this," Lorelei answered me, Lisa just looked at the apartment in amazement.
As they settled in, Jennifer walked into the living room. She was still wearing Aegon's shirt only this time fully buttoned and she was wearing the skirt she had arrived in which thankfully was black and the little bloodstains weren't showing. "Honey, I'm going to need to get some clothes from my apartment if I'm going to be staying for a few days."
"Sure. For now, you could ask D'narda for something of hers that might be of use to you."
"Right, I don't know how I didn't think of it before." Then Jennifer noticed the girls. "Oh, my apologies, it's just, you know, clothes are a very important thing for a girl."
"We understand."
"I am the lawyer Jennifer Walters and as you can see apart from being Aegon's girlfriend I am also her lawyer. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is ours, I am Lorelei Travis and this is my friend Lisa O'Connell."
Jennifer, seeing that there were 2 girls, turned to Aegon. "Aegon, you told me you would be hiring only one girl, I just prepared a contract."
"No, that's fine, Lorelei is the one I'm going to hire, maybe when you become my secretary and get familiar with my company you can find a job for Lisa."
Jennifer showed Lorelei the contract and they all started chatting for a while. Time passed and the girls began to arrive excited about the trip they would make, except for Ororo, the rest had never been to Africa.
When they arrived they were a bit surprised to see Lorelei and Lisa, but Aegon quickly cleared everything up before any misunderstandings could arise. Although that did not eliminate the suspicions.
Lorelei and Lisa for their part could not believe that all the girls who had arrived were in a relationship with the boy and that the boy was only 17 years old like most of the girls, but who were they to judge them, so they decided to ignore this strange group and everyone introduced themselves.
"Lisa I'm a little sorry to have to fire you so suddenly, but today we're all going on a trip and Lorelei's included now that she's my secretary. What I can do for you is send you to the address of the building so you can have the papers delivered." keys to an apartment here in the building. It's included in Lorelei's benefits so you could wait until we get back. That should be tonight."
"Really?" She asked still unable to believe her ears.
"Yes, Lorelei has no problem with it." The two looked at Lorelei. "Of course not, but are you sure I'm dressed properly for that trip you speak of? I didn't think this would be my first day of work."
Lorelei was wearing a loose dress with her hair pulled back. Aegon looked at her and then looked at Lisa who was wearing dark blue jeans and a striped t-shirt. "I think it would be best if you and Lisa switched outfits. We're still on time so you could both go to your new apartment to change."
"That I would like," Lorelei replied that she was also happy to see her new apartment. "Come on, I already want to see that apartment. In a place like this, it must be incredible." Lisa nearly drags Lorelei away.
As they both left, Aegon addressed the girls. "So everyone is ready?"
"Yeah. I'm pretty excited." MJ was the first to respond and the rest also admitted to being excited as well. Good all except Ororo who was not sure if it was a good idea for her to make this trip.
"We're all happy with this trip, but do you want to clarify what this story is about you hiring a girl only a few years older than us as a secretary?" The one she asked was none other than Gwen.
Aegon didn't think much of it. "That, it's just something that occurred to me last night when I went out for a while."
"Wait a second." Gwen turned to Jennifer. "Did you let him out late at night? That's never a good idea."
"I'll remember for next time." That was what Jennifer replied.
To avoid having to listen to Gwen fight, Aegon searched for a way to change the subject. "Ororo, Rogue, now that Lorelei and her friend have gone to see the apartment, I want to take the opportunity to tell you that Lorelei is a mutant." Aegon's news shocked everyone, not just Ororo and Rogue. "That was the reason I decided to hire her, to help her."
"Lorelei is having a difficult time with leaving home and being scared by her mutation. I mentioned the possibility of joining you guys at the professor's academy, but she seems to be afraid that bonding with more mutants would be worse for her. I think she could use your help. By the way, her friend doesn't know anything about it."
Rogue was a little sad because her situation was something similar, she looked at Ororo that she was the oldest looking for an answer, and Ororo understood that Rogue wanted to know what to do. "We'll talk to her later, then we'll invite her to the academy so she can meet the rest of her."
Half an hour later Lorelei came back now wearing Lisa's clothes that were a little too small for her. "I don't understand how these clothes are more suitable, but you are my boss so I won't complain." She told Aegon thinking that she looked less suited to work now, although she noticed how all the girls were dressed similarly to her and began to wonder where they were traveling and what they were traveling on.
"You're perfect like that. Come on everyone, it's time to go." Aegon opened a Throat startling Lorelei. "As you see in this group, you are not the only one with special gifts." The girl was surprised but she was not scared and she followed everyone through the strange portal.
When they crossed the Gorge they ended up in a savannah where it was quite hot. "Welcome to Africa."
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review