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Chapter 7: 7

"It seems the higher ups have finally responded." Zen sighed. The higher ups are selfish. They always say they want to 'improve' the wellbeing of the country and its people, but they always have ulterior motives.

He opened the report and read it aloud. "After a long discussion, we have come to the conclusion that it's of utmost importance to send the anomaly to a highly secured facility. Thus we have decided to send the anomaly to U.A. High. The staff there will treat him with great importance and he will be trained into a hero who will serve the country." Zen's face got uglier and uglier as he read it.

Hisato and Amera had quietly listened to him. Hisato's expression had turned rather gloomy. He didn't want to be a hero. Becoming a hero would mean he needs to work. Working means he needs to put effort into things. He didn't want that. He just wanted to do his own things.

Amera on the other hand was extremely pissed. They wanted to take Hisato away from her? Even though she had just met him, she had taken quite a liking to the brat. 

"What kind of bullshit is this?" Zen angrily exclaimed.  He had already expected something like this. But turning him into a hero? Just what do the higher ups wish to accomplish with this?

"Should we have a friendly talk with those fossils?" Amera creepily smiled and her cold aura intensified.

Zen shook his head. "I wonder.." He was about to say something when he noticed Hisato shedding a tear. Hisato had seemingly lost consciousness. 

He was dazed in fact. He entered a flashback to be more precise. It was a flashback from the day it all began…

Hisato looked around as he suddenly appeared in a bright room. The room was filled with blurry paintings and various vaguely shaped furniture. In front of him stood two humanoid figures. They didn't have any facial features. They were just two white humanoid creatures. Although Hisato felt a familiar feeling while looking at two figures. It was like he knew them… Suddenly, tears began to stream down his face as he looked at the two.

 "Why am I crying?" He wiped the tears off, but they continued streaming. Simultaneously, the scenery changed into a dreary and grim one. Red liquid began to pour out of the walls. Presumably blood. The two figures from before were lying motionless on the ground. 

Without even being able to react, 

Hisato got pulled out of the flashback by a sudden nudge. That same moment he began to break down as he had come to the realization of who the two figures were. They were his parents.

In all those 10 years. Hisato had never grieved for his parents. He had been too busy with surviving. He had been gathering all those sorrowful emotions and now was the final drop.

After a few minutes, the flashback abruptly ended and Hisato fell unconscious. 

Seeing this, Amera quickly responded by laying him down onto the ground, and placed his head on her lap. She wasn't aware of the problems Hisato went through but she certainly knew he had it hard. After all, how could a kid survive in a world like the one he described? And alone nonetheless.

"How is he?" Zen asked as he walked towards them with a glass of water. Noticing that Hisato was still unconscious he sat down and placed the glass next to him.

"He's fine. It seems he suddenly suffered from a flashback. He fell unconscious soon after. Do you know what happened to him? All I know is that he lived inside a separate dimension for 10 years." She looked at Hisato and felt heart rending pain. 

"Well… his parents died when he was 4. Although this happens a lot, he witnessed their death with his own eyes. This also caused his ability to subconsciously activate which then went out of control and thus caused him to get stuck in that dimension." Sighing inwardly, Zen looked at Hisato with a sorry look in his eyes.

Of course there are certain pessimistic fuckers that would say that there were worse cases, but who cares about that. (Yes. Yes I am talking about you guys.)

After yet another few minutes, Hisato slowly woke up. He gave a long weary yawn before rubbing his eyes. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light and he began to confusedly look around. His head was positioned on a pair of soft legs. He looked up to see Amera looking at him. 

"What happened?" He didn't know why he was laying on the ground or what had happened.

"You spaced out before falling unconscious." A voice rang out. Hisato looked over. It was Zen who spoke. 

Why did he fall unconscious? He wondered when suddenly, Hisato's memory refreshed. The recent events began to flood into him like customers rushing to get the last toilet paper.

Some last tears welled up in his eyes before dripping off his face. 

"It's okay." Amera's soothing voice resonated through the empty space. "You just had to let go of all those big bad emotions." She jokingly said in an attempt to comfort him. 

Hisato slowly nodded. Ever since he woke up. He had surprisingly felt rather refreshed. As if a huge burden had finally disappeared. Although it did seem rather taxing since Hisato had been yawning the entire time and he felt rather weary. 

Wait no. That's just how Hisato normally is. But it was indeed true that it was taxing. Breaking down surprisingly drained Hisato of most of his energy.

"Thank you." A soft voice uttered in a grateful tone. He directly fell asleep afterwards.

Amera and Zen looked at Hisato with their eyes filled with merriment. It was like two parents watching their kid fall asleep after working hard. The scene of Hisato peacefully sleeping on Amera's lap truly brought fulfilment.

They quietly brought him back to his room and laid him down onto his bed. They quietly exited the room and closed the door behind them.

"Wait! I think I have a solution to this problem. Although I don't know if Hisato would agree." He placed his hand under his chin and began to think. 

"Yep that might actually work." A smile grew on Zen's face and he began to whisper something into Amera's ears. As he continued to explain his plan, the two began to mischievously smile.

Hisato had no idea what was coming...

PinguGod_ PinguGod_

Haha I was kinda dumb and forgot to change the part of Hisato explaining how the world looked. It was originay just for me to write the correct version but I forgot...

Thanks to whoever pointed it out. I will change it when I have time and when I feel like it. Cya

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